Captain President

End scene.

That's the effort JJ gives.

That's 110%!

I'm thinking 70% serialization, 34% procedural themes, and about let's say 6% Benny Hill music themed chases.

Wil Traval - "For work."

"Kentucker. Heh, nice name." - Oklahomer

It's called Whiskey


Damn it, he knows that's my word!

That's why you film it underwater silly.

Hail Hydrox!

No robits and Explosuns, No Deal! - Americans

I love that band!

Is James O'Keefe considered a director?

Carol is just Carl…but with an 'o'

Eh. Z Nation, as enjoyably goofy and at times oddly touching, is currently kicking Rick's butt.

your mom's a C episode.

Have you seen South Park?

That's her real super power, even faster regenerating kidneys.

And any questions you gather from episode 4 you may find in episode 5.