Captain President

Um…No U? *Runs off crying the world is unfair. Takes a red pill. Hurts women. Profit?

Why are there Brits in my Easter!?

They feel like the neighbors in that god awful The Punisher movie. Just random shit and comic relief to contrast the hero's struggle.

Spoiler Alert. She fixes the cable.

I completely forgot about that and now I'm sad. Thanks Oba…er Jessica Jones.

Gary Oldman is the white Clarke Peters. Discuss

To be fair the race implied is half-orcs.

Let's be honest. No one really stops being a writer of Dexter.

"I'd hit that…with a 2x4 and knock it the fuck out." - Robyn, half twin hero of New York.

She had to be within distance to stop the phrase 'Trish, rip your eyes out' from rolling out of Kilgrave's maw.

The show runner did write Dexter. Would it be too optimistic to hope for Ghost Kevin to pop up occasionally and give Jessica bad advice?

That's what I totally thought was going to happen when it cut to the the shot of his back and JJ holding him in the air. All she had to do was squeeze.

Thirded, great to have a safe place to share our experiences with the Kevin.

I was kinda disappointed in some of the switch ups they did with plans. Examples: Jessica Jones going to Super Max to lure in Kilgrave painted a wonderful adventure in my head. That would have been a blast. The other was the prospect of JJ and Kilgrave spending more time together as a hero duo until it just obviously

Isn't she Theon Greyjoy's long lost sister?

**Foggy angrily tweets HBO CEO of Tits web address**

Jesus plays all roles as he is inside all of us. It's like Being John Malkovich, but for dieties.

Do I internet with my penis?

Jessica Fucking Jones Bitch!

I know right? It was intense psychologically with the occasional stab of visual viscera.