Captain President

Spoiler Alert*

Theon Greyjoy's sister is a real bitch.

Damned Hippie. Git off me lawn!

Thea. You have FAILED CIVICS.

No.No no no, no no no no no…No.

define 'Real'


Please. They are called 'helpers.'

I think now have a responsibility to mankind to get filthy rich off of it's creation and successful marketing campaign. "It's a nice day out; shouldn't you take a break from vibrating?"

Dude, that's a Wii-mote.

3rd to the discussion. Now where's that cake?

TARD FIGHT! Round 1. GO!!!

Covered by CNN

They'll never believe you

Only a good director with a plot can stop a bad director with one.

but what about mah freedoms?

If you gotta ask, you can't afford it.

You. You I like.

"The newspapers are gonna be tough on you. And prison is
very, very hard on people who hurt kids. If you get the opportunity, you
should kill yourself." - Rust Cohle

He's not a piece of shit because of the Ashley Madison shenanigans, that just makes him a hypocrite and a douchebag. He's a piece of shit because of the molestation and for working with the Family Research Council.