Captain President

Confound these damnable magnets, my only weakness!

you just listed the same thing three times.

Sadly the chair missed.

Just get J.K. Simmons to play Doom. That way you could reissue Whiplash as an 'origin story.'

Whar Doof Warrior? Whar?

I was impressed with the crane rig camera work. (but i was really hoping for them to pull off the swinging stick dragoon fellas.

I say Drill Baby, Drill!

the top rope?

I see you as well, Shiny and Chrome.

Where the hell are the MRA's in this thread? Could we at least get a response tweet from Adam Baldwin?

you guys are giving me a maneurysm.

came for Capaldi, leaving happy

What's 'scented meat?'

What are books?

Yeah, I this was just a throw away guilty pleasure show until they did the unbrainwashing of the default president episode. That had some real chops.

It took everyone working together to lose this one. -Basketball

Actually Rick Moranis's wife passed away so he left the business to take care of his children.

That's a big, a shoe.

You best calibrate that caliphate, yo. - a middle eastern gangster

Why is everybody hating on the Ayatollah. You guys are aware he's not the actual Ayatollah, right? (You aren't, right?)