Captain President

I have to poop now. Can you halp me prease?

Is Trump making a cameo?

It can be two things

Fuck it. Let's go with Brad Carter who played Charlie Lang in True Detective season 1 or any one of those swamp hoppers. It would be interesting at least.…

Maybe we can throw in Leatherhead in there too and they can fight (in a thick artificial accent naturally) the proper ingredients of turtle gumbo.

I disagree with the idea you can't have one version or the other without sacrificing the characteristics or the other. (i.e. toolification) My example being the first Flash/Arrow crossovers from the WB. They each respectively found a middle ground between two differing character ideologies that made from both cheery

Bat Man.

Aw that's too bad Miles Teller is in this schlock. I loved him in Whiplash.

Are we to believe that boiling water soaks into a grit faster in your kitchen than on any place on the face of the earth? Well, perhaps the laws of physics cease to exist on your stove. Were
these magic grits? I mean, did you buy them from the same guy who sold
Jack his beanstalk beans?


That was actually not bad internet!

still holding out hope for Brian Blessed

As long as I gets a little golden shower

Day has been made

Why not both?jpeg.

Archer Vs Predator. Make it so

most people stay alive until they are dead. Mostly

too soon too serious