
Calm down, take George’s dick out of your mouth, and try and read something that doesn’t involve dragons. I know you’re young, but seriously, there’s things beyond dragons, Junior.

I agree. the only thing that disappoints me is that the “real” ending he eventually writes will almost certainly be at least partly influenced by the show. He’s said in the past that certain character’s performances has/will color how he writes them in the future. (Osha/Bronn).

“Diehard fans” in this case being synonymous with people that love the series no matter how shitty it gets. To normal fans that don’t jizz on the cover when they see it, the last two books sucked.

Benioff & Weiss have always said 7 seasons and as GRRM even said in interviews, it was originally contracted for around that many seasons. His saying he was promised 10 seasons- something I’ve never heard before- is another instance where it sounds like he’s blaming other people for his inability to finish the book.

The idea that HBO would devote 10 years to this series is fucking retarded. The contracts to lock up the actors that long would not allow it, the young actors are aging, etc. Martin is full of shit if he’s using that excuse.

After reading DwD, I was happy to just let HBO finish the series. That book was pure shit. If you liked it, I’m happy for you, but you’re definitely in the minority.

If this is the worst news you’ll receive all year, you live a pretty charmed life. And you're still going to get to read this book one day. I'm envious.

Everything has a purpose?

There’s other things to consider other than Benioff & Weiss’ possibly being burnt out. One of the biggest being the actors and having them contracted for a full 10 years, especially as Kit and Emilia are eyeing Hollywood millions. Not many shows (maybe ever) have had their actors tied down for that long. The contracts

I'm so sorry for your loss.

In his LiveJournal he also admits that he could have turned the book in on time if he’d applied himself to his work a little more.

maybe they actually... are terrible, and you need to take your fan goggles off for five minutes.

i don’t like the tv show at all and somehow the last 2 books in the series were still mostly terrible. gosh.

The Sun will swell to a red giant and burn away the oceans before the next book is finished

When I read the reasons he gave for not having it completed on time, I couldn’t help but be reminded of my wife during college, always procrastinating until the week before a project is due, then having to scramble to try to make the deadline, and inevitably failing to do so.

It’s almost universally agreed upon that the most recent books are 75% schlock that go nowhere, only adding more and more plots that don’t look like they can be wrapped up in two novels. There was sooooo much pointless plodding about and repetitious themes in Dance of Dragons. Did Tyrion really need a whole book to

No offense, but this is your typical “Empower yourself!” motivational bullshit. Fifteen years ago, these people would’ve been doing the same thing in 13-step programs on VHS with the low, low payment plan of $120 per step. In fact, I’m pretty sure some of them have already done that. All TED did was a change in venue

By which I mean, a brief session comprised of:
