what a TRAGEDY, how will woman kind ever go on???
what a TRAGEDY, how will woman kind ever go on???
this isn't even in the renaissance style..
to be fair, you look like the kind of limp noodle who complains about everything giving them a headache.
Spoiler: Mystique still looks like shit.
are we seriously not doing “phrasing” any more?
because the foreign studios don’t pay to advertise or show them in any theaters in america.
nice try, no it wasn't.
as opposed to random internet people on kinja declaring its plagiarism?
no they're not, though I'm sure them members need something to accompany their TacoBell salaries
doesn’t even meet the legal precedent for music plagiarism, nothing to see here move along folks.
good, hopefully he never walks as a free man again.
why do they have an adams apple
not only can you identify his dick from a 15 foot distance, you apparently can also see other posters dicks from hundreds of miles away?
So, why does this require a 3DS?
well this is about 10x longer than it needs to be. refocus and re-write.
oh look another article about how ‘fake-movie-person’ couldn’t POSSIBLY afford to live in the NY apparment they are portrayed in. This is TOTALLY new and original content.
then you don't actually care about the waste you're creating.
thats like, your opinion man