This is a very bad take, and you’re smarter than that.
This is a very bad take, and you’re smarter than that.
He would finish above (better than) Dolan and the Wilpons. Johnson is not a good owner, but there’s no issue with him hoarding money to the detriment of the team and, while he has made some bad decisions, is not as meddlesome as Dolan. Johnson’s just your run-of-the-mill bad owner, if you will.
Fairbanks itself is high up there in most crime statistics. Which I found shocking when I saw it. I had this image of this quaint little mountain mini-city, about as isolated from the rest of America as possible...and yet, no, it’s actually a frozen hell.
I think they might mention the birth of Jesus once or twice in the Bible. Been a while since I cracked it open, I must admit.
The guy hasn’t figured the shape of the Earth out. I’m sure he’s not offering nuanced thoughts on the definition of what a holiday is.
I probably care more about the sports games on this holiday than I do any other except New Years Day Bowl games and (when the days match up right) March Madness on St. Patrick’s Day. The Winter Classic in the NHL is an awesome thing, but it’s still looking to create a history and it has to compete with College…
For sure. But not as bad as the Wilpons.
Well, the Wilpons show you what an owner who DOESN’T spend money looks like. I never said Dolan wasn’t a bad owner, but just that he spends money. Every single owner of any sports team has way more money than they spend. Some will actually risk it to improve the team, like Dolan, while others will hoard it away and…
Got into an argument with a friend recently about Jim Dolan. I’m a Knicks and Mets fan, and he is not. He called Dolan the worst owner in sports, and while I am absolutely annoyed with certain things Dolan does (like his weird loyalty to Isiah Thomas), I can’t come close to saying he’s the worst owner in sports. He…
Four years? You can put someone away for four years for just talking shit about the Turkish President? All they have to do is end up in Turkey and they get arrested? What a crazy world we live in...
That really doesn’t make this much better.
The only thing I can think of is that the ballot limit is ten, and Bonds was left off of one that Clemens was on because the voter ran out of room. Now, those guys should go at the TOP of the ballot in my book, but that’s the way I would have figured that happened.
I always kind of liked how the NBA, seemingly moreso than the NFL and MLB, are more willing to go (and stay) in markets with no other major pro teams (I know Portland has the Timbers, and they are really big there, but you get my point). Just think of all the cities that have an NBA team, but no NFL, MLB or NHL team.…
I’ve seen him in some interviews where he’s remarkably humble. I’ve obviously seen him play, but he’s the kind of guy that I’m going to start looking for on League Pass specifically. I like that you can confirm what I hoped was true.
Not a terrible idea. Having them sneak around on the First Order ship the whole time would have been an improvement. The social commentary thing didn’t work at all, it just seemed like they were trying to be too clever, but just came across as smarmy. Like, they make commentary about how shitty rich people are, but…
Being a Knicks fan, I have no bias towards or against Portland or Weber St, but I agree with you a lot. Something about him just seems really down to earth. It’s hard to say exactly, but my guess is that a lot of great athletes, like Tom Brady and Kevin Durant, seem just...well, unapproachable. Lillard seems like he’s…
Maybe it’s the whole small school, small NBA town thing, but Lillard has really become one of my favorite players.
I get that, but I took that as them accepting death as it was imminent. Like, they faced death head on, knowing it was inevitable and it was happening at that exact moment no matter what they were going to do to stop it, and thus welcomed it. Of course, this leaves no explanation for why Qui-Gon could become “one with…
It was quite the jolly good match on the pitch, eh mate? Just a field goal ‘ere, a touchdown there, and bob’s your uncle!
I would actually argue that most of the curmudgeon-y old assholes today were probably just regular youngish assholes in their 20s. But is it possible? Yes, sure. But no one wants to see character development where all the changes takes place off camera. If they made a movie about the fall of Luke from Episode VI to…