Captain Murphy 2.0

I’ve never liked Collins, but the criticism of his handling of the bullpen is overblown. He had one of the worst bullpens I can remember seeing. He had to burn out his relievers, because everyone he brought in seemed to be set on achieving a plus 6 ERA.

It could be worse. At least the Patriots’ team name isn’t an homage to our Founding Fathers and the logo isn’t an artistic reimagining of the American flag superimposed on the likeness of the very first veterans in our country’s history. I mean, could you imagine if they burned that?!

Whoa, I can’t believe this guy. He compared himself to Rodney King. SMDH. That’s so unbelievably tone deaf.

It’s a lot more fun to accuse people of racism/being unpatriotic.

Whoa, what’s this with you pointing out that things are complicated, and our media propagates an outrage culture? We can’t have that here. You must be a racist.

It’s not as cool to be against pedophilia as it is to be against racism.

Neptune is the best looking one. Saturn doesn’t count; the rings are PED’s. I’m going just pure planet looks.

He just went after him again a couple minutes ago. I can’t get enough of this shit. God, I hope he never retires.

*scrolls down*

That one really is a magnum opus of Norm jokes, combining the OJ and Clinton threads.

You had the COTY a couple days ago. Nothing I can do can touch what you accomplished.

We are all idiots ranting compared to the Bard.

There are early reports coming out of an apparent scuffle in the outfield bleachers. It would seem that Bill Belichick and John Farrell were jostling for position so that each could set up their cameras to record this historic moment.

It was indeed bullshitty. They intentionally kept Robinson out after he was healthy to improve their chances at getting Duncan.

That’s why you need a hard cap. They won’t be able to keep all their players then.

As long as it’s not the wheel. I hate the fucking wheel.

This is fantastic. It really is all in the delivery, I have no idea how he does it.

The Clinton joke with “Operation Frayed Wire” makes me laugh hysterically every time I hear it.

You joke (or do you...?), but that’s not exactly the craziest thing that I could see happening.

Yeah, the Facebook thing is interesting, because it certainly has it’s billion users and all, and makes countless dollars by selling our info...but it has no real importance in most people’s lives beyond sharing pictures of families or giving obnoxious people a place to vent about political issues with the same five