Second shooter? Try a Twelfth shooter.
Second shooter? Try a Twelfth shooter.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news...
That is one smug ass photo.
Man, are you gonna be pissed when either Cersei or Dany torches the whole city at the end of this season.
Yeah, that was about as dumb a line as he could have thought of.
See, I got a feeling at this stage that Melo is the perfect third wheel on these “super teams.” He doesn’t play much defense, and he should probably have his minutes limited due to his age and injury history. But he can score with the best still. He needs to have the right team, for sure, but if other players can…
I don’t grade them per se on that, but their assessment is basically correct. The President can pardon anyone EXCEPT in cases of impeachment. It’s very clear about that. So, Trump (in theory) could pardon himself from a regular (and federal) crime, but if he’s being brought up for impeachment charges (and the ultimate…
No, he’d probably start in the CFL. I mean, there’s only like, what, 10 teams there, but he’s probably better than some or even most of their starters.
I teach High School Social Studies. Every year, I inevitably cover the Presidential power to pardon, and I always ask the same question of my classes: “Who can the President NOT pardon?” Usually, 2/3s to 3/4s of the students will answer “himself/herself.” They’re 16.
It just seemed so absurd at face value, since many people (certainly me, at least) know him primarily as the guy from Friends. Like, he’s instantly recognizable as that. It’s not particularly fair, cause he’s actually been in plenty of things, but that’s how it happens. Same reason the main characters from Seinfeld…
lol, damn
Honestly, I only saw a couple episodes of American Horror Story, and I couldn’t stand it. I haven’t seen 13 Years a Slave, and I really should, its right up my alley. I don’t know what the third thing was, but a google search suggested it was Firefly, which I also haven’t seen.
I guess that’s a good point, they do use different rules.
Vance as Cochran was terrific. He also belongs at the top of my list. And it was probably the most challenging role out of all of them, to be honest.
How have I not seen this before?
And in 2015 Fitzpatrick threw for 31 and 15, but you would have wanted nothing to do with him in 2016. I did watch Kaepernick play last year, and while he did play better than I thought he would, his numbers are incredibly misleading (as any TD to INT ratio could be). In 2015, Kaepernick was terrible and couldn’t earn…
What other league? The CFL? I’m not aware of any other professional American Football league in another country, besides the CFL, that would you could even claim fields players that would represent anything resembling an NFL roster.
Yeah, isn’t this the team that gave their coach a multi-year extension and then fired him like a month later for doing the same shit he had gotten the extension for in the first place?
Thanks man, good luck catching the real killers!