Captain Murphy 2.0

I think since he brought a championship to Cleveland, he can live without having the jersey burning thing again. Honestly, since he’s left a team twice now, I don’t think a third would hurt. Maybe we’ve just become more numb to it.

I disagree. LeBron did that for himself and his own legacy, which he undoubtedly helped. Sure, he made Dan Gilbert some money and some prestige, but being willing to trade away the success LeBron has had in Cleveland is cutting off your nose to spite your face. Fuck Gilbert, but LeBron should be, and is, looking out

This was not a great take, and I genuinely think you’re better than this.

I have no doubt that the late George Carlin would rip into the stupidity of a gender reveal party, but he would just as quickly mock the “it’s not a gender reveal, it’s a sex reveal!” take. Carlin was great at many things, but mocking the extremes of both liberals and conservatives was a foundation of his comedy.

I think it’s a microaggression.

I would love to see that analysis you mention. I disagree with some of what you said, and agree with others, but I’d be glad to read another point of view. If there’s a chance I could appreciate a character from one of my favorite author’s in a new light, it’d be well worth it.

That’s like trying to cause a breakup by being such an ass so that the other person starts it.

You’re absolutely right about the no trade clause. That removes a lot of leverage. Of all the dumb things Jackson did, that’s the most indefensible. As far as shit talking about Melo to the media, it was necessary. You needed Melo to be willing to waive the no trade clause. Whatever small damage was done to his value

This is where you’re wrong about Dolan. His problem is constant meddling, hiring shitty people, and loyalty to those shitty people. I’m sure he cares about the bottom line in some way (any owner must), but the guy has always spent money. He’s spent it in the dumbest ways possible. By all accounts, he only got Jackson

Honestly, how much of an effect could Jackson have had on his trade value? This isn’t exactly an open market, there are only 29 potential buyers, most of whom have reasonably competent and experienced leadership. GMs around the league had their own mind made up, on some level, over Melo’s potential value. It’s not

So, you’re not a Mets fan, but you spend a lot of time watching them and you champion their cause on websites? Hey, I appreciate it.

The mistake was made to get her something to do. She had three chapters in a Feast for Crows and none in A Dance with Dragons, and doesn’t do much except watch Littlefinger do sneaky shit or hear about the various Lords of the Vale trying to win favor with him/overthrow him. That might play well in a book, where she

I’m a Mets fan. We don’t have a bad ass lineup. We do have an injured pitching staff. We also have a god awful bullpen, which you didn’t mention.

The show far from treats her like a “5th tier character”; she’s gotten the fifth most screen time of any character, ahead of Arya and only 2 minutes behind Cersei for 4th. And it’s not like the show’s been cutting plot lines for her: if anything, they’ve expanded her role (although, not effectively). Screen time isn’t

Oh, I think it goes way before that. Go back to the turn of the 20th century, with guys like Pulitzer and Hearst. As I said to someone else, it goes back as far as people got paid for journalism. It’s difficult/impossible for a reader to assess the validity of a journalistic story (or, on a similar note, check the

Perhaps “never” is too encompassing. Let’s go with “for as long as they’ve been charging readers money or selling ads”.

Internal female character? I’m not sure what that means. Dany, Brienne and Arya are all major female characters, and have arcs that are much broader. Do you mean Sansa seems bound by her gender? Arya isn’t an adolescent yet (although she still faces sexism), Brienne outwardly and inwardly rejects the societal

Since when is his illiteracy alleged?

I wouldn’t go there for ethical advice.

Journalism was never about ethics, and always about money. Reporting this stuff is entertainment. I would never expect the press to not report a story that would sell. This press tour, whether you think of it as disgraceful or funny (or, like me, both), it is certainly entertaining, and thus will sell.