Captain Murphy 2.0

The Pistons are my go to example for teams I don’t want to be a fan of, exactly for the reasons you stated. It’s sad watching your team be average, knowing you have virtually no chance of getting much better. I feel for those fans. At least with the Knicks, we have reason to think we might be really bad next year and

I lost my shit when the Knicks won some games at the end of the season last year. There was no reason whatsoever to put Carmelo Anthony in those games (if memory serves, he hit a game winner over Philly that cost us at least one draft slot). If I was a paying fan (and, as I live out of market, I am since I buy the NBA

Of course! That’s what’s great about the books (and, to a lesser extent, the show); they have so much nuance that it makes it possible to have such varied views on the same events.

Sure, but Ned’s death made option 2 much more palatable. Option 1 doesn’t really have a happy ending. You get Ned’s body back, along with Sansa and Arya, and go back to the original boundaries? Sounds like a pipe dream to me. Neither the Starks nor the Lannisters are going to be satisfied with that conclusion.

No, that one made sense. Jon, by all appearances, won the battle. He led them, in gathering forces, making alliances, planning the attack and ultimately by leading the charge. The Knights of the Vale, thanks to Sansa and Littlefinger, saved them when all was lost, but there would have been nothing to save if it wasn’t

I should point out that your Tyrion point has made more sense the more I think about it, and I want to give you that. While I think Tyrion is the right choice, there was a lack of narrative set up to that scene. He may have earned it with the viewer, but he shouldn’t have earned it with Dany. It is kind of an empty

I don’t know, I just never took that scene with Tyrion to be that dramatic. Maybe because of all the other dramatic things going on that last episode or two, that it kinda fell by the wayside. But I can concede that point, that it WAS supposed to be a big deal.

That’s how kings get named, though. Based on their parentage and/or accomplishments. Who’s to say Jon will be a good king? Or that he won’t face challengers to his claim? Him getting credit for winning back the North, which he played a huge role in, isn’t a stretch at all. If anything, he seems kind of reluctant to be

Is there anything to save if Jon didn’t organize the battle plan before hand? They don’t stand a chance without the wildlings or Wun Wun, and that doesn’t happen without Jon.

Part of the emotion WAS the lords admitting they were wrong not to join with him before. And it’s not like he hasn’t done anything to get there. Jon’s proved himself a leader through six seasons (not without making mistakes along the way, of course). If any character deserves being crowned king for past

Because it was a culmination of things for Jon. His upbringing as a bastard, his rise and fall with the Night’s Watch, him charging into battle (stupidly, for sure) alone, leading his men on. He’s been on the hero’s journey the whole series.

Jon led them into battle. It’s not that hard to reason that they would pledge their loyalty to their current leader.

Not to mention Jon was unquestioned leader during the whole build up to the battle. If you’re the coach of the team, and the team does well (even if it’s ultimately because a star player breaks out), you’re gonna get to keep being coach of the team. You might even get a raise or even get to be GM as well.

Exactly, it narratively can’t end well, which means there’s a lot of mystery regarding HOW it will end poorly. Even if it does end in a similar fashion to the show, I’m at least confidant we’ll get a more nuanced end from Martin.

You’re right about how Martin can explain Stannis’ mindset much better than a show can, and that alone could change things. I suspect Shireen meets the same fate, but it’s done Melisandre and Selyse behind his back.

“Far worse” was hyperbole, I admit. We don’t know. But, I also counter that in baseball today, with how often pitchers get hurt/decline, I think it’s safe to say we don’t know how Quintana will do either.

I agree. The whole thing with Shireen, I think, will play out differently in the books.

The writing in the middle of the fifth season got stretched a little thin (not as much as people would have you think, but noticeably so), but I think the 6th season was on par with previous seasons.

It’s the game of catch for me. I didn’t even really like the movie that much until that scene. Then I got why it’s such a classic.

People hate on Rudy, and it is really corny...but, goddamn, that scene when his father realizes they’re chanting his son’s name...