
Check the pencil.


Come at me bro.

Exactly. As a law abiding citizen of the USA it is my god given right to be able to defend myself with an AR-15, against a large group of people that piss me off.

Childrens? These are high schoolers. Most of them are already drinking, drugging and fucking. It is a school. First class of the day should be 15 minutes of firearm training.

I will buy her and do unspeakable things to her.

SJW drivers, am I right fellas?

By “they” I assume you mean other students or police. Students would draw there guns and only fire in defense on the person that was firing at them. Then when police come you would drop your weapon and comply with their demands. It is the same way people in war know to fire on the enemy in close quarters.

Follow the money.

Trump has a little something called.

Trump has a little something called.

Trump has a little something called.

I like trannies.

Good. They can watch me fuck you up the ass..

Counterpart is about the only good thing on TV right now.

Not a chance. He is quick on the draw and a good shot. He will be the one left standing.

Becasue the single largest death toll from a lone man attack that didn’t involve 9/11 planes (Allah Akbur) or explosive (McVay), was when a guy in Paris drove a truck through a crowd.

Look it up. In the time it takes empty one standard 30 round magazine a car traveling 70 mph could kill 10x that number.

100% serious. My high schooler is a mature responsible gun owner and student. I give him a gun every morning when I drop him off to protect himself in school. If every parent did the same this Cruz kid would have been dead before he reloaded.

You can thank the SJWs for another school shooting.

Another entitled snowflake that didn’t get any Valentine’s Day cards or candy and threw a tantrum.

This will only get worse until they hand a gun to every kid on the way into school.