You can thank the SJWs for another school shooting.
Another entitled snowflake that didn’t get any Valentine’s Day cards or candy and threw a tantrum.
This will only get worse until they hand a gun to every kid on the way into school.
You can thank the SJWs for another school shooting.
Another entitled snowflake that didn’t get any Valentine’s Day cards or candy and threw a tantrum.
This will only get worse until they hand a gun to every kid on the way into school.
You can thank the SJWs for another school shooting.
Another entitled snowflake that didn’t get any Valentine’s Day cards or candy and threw a tantrum.
This will only get worse until they hand a gun to every kid on the way into school.
You can thank the SJWs for another school shooting.
Another entitled snowflake that didn’t get any Valentine’s Day cards or candy and threw a tantrum.
This will only get worse until they hand a gun to every kid on the way into school.
You can thank the SJWs for another school shooting.
Another entitled snowflake that didn’t get any Valentine’s Day cards or candy and threw a tantrum.
This will only get worse until they hand a gun to every kid on the way into school.
You can thank the SJWs for another school shooting.
Another entitled snowflake that didn’t get any Valentine’s Day cards or candy and threw a tantrum.
This will only get worse until they hand a gun to every kid on the way into school.
Yeah, it gets wedged between the wall of the canister and the air intake and stops it from full suction. It also blocks it from falling into the bottom of the canister, so you always have to pull out that nasty stuff by hand or pretty much empty it after every single use. Another inch of circumference on the canister…
I know where you live.
You can thank the SJWs for another school shooting.
Another entitled snowflake that didn’t get any Valentine’s Day cards or candy and threw a tantrum.
This will only get worse until they hand a gun to every kid on the way into school.
Adblock ultimate works great and if ever a site tries to force to many ads I simply stop visiting.
100% agree. When they do work though they are pretty good, but there is very poor engineering and cheap materials in them. From motorized heads that always break to not enough clearance in the canister on the mini handhelds. About the only true innovation was the high reeving motors.
I would guess there is a little bit of Urban Legend going on here. First if they offered all for $25 million, how much did they spend on just Spidey? $10 million? $10 million for the rights to IP for Sony in the 90s would have been cheap. They had billions from the PSX profits.
The only thing you stroke out to is fantasies about banging your mom up the butt.
A no resale clause would be unenforceable anyway. The court would determine he paid a reasonable amount to transfer full ownership rights. Also, all he had to do was put it in a storage locker. not pay the rent and buy the locker when it goes up for auction. Assuming the car was not stolen and no money was owed a…
A no resale clause would be unenforceable anyway. The court would determine he paid a reasonable amount to transfer full ownership rights. Also, all he had to do was put it in a storage locker. not pay the rent and buy the locker when it goes up for resale. Assuming the car was not stolen and no money was owed a…
A no resale clause would be unenforceable anyway. The court would determine he paid a reasonable amount to transfer full ownership rights. Also, all he had to do was put it in a storage locker. not pay the rent and buy the locker when it goes up for resale. Assuming the car was not stolen and no money was owed a clean…
Go make me a samwitch and shut the fuck up while the men speak.
You can thank the SJWs for another school shooting.
Another entitled snowflake that didn’t get any Valentine’s Day cards or candy and threw a tantrum.
This will only get worse until they hand a gun to every kid on the way into school.
You can thank the SJWs for another school shooting.
Another entitled snowflake that didn’t get any Valentine’s Day cards or candy and threw a tantrum.
This will only get worse until they hand a gun to every kid on the way into school.
Thanks, I just found a new quote for my youtube channel.
Fucking broke ass Coral Spring piker. You can’t even afford the slum area of Parkland by the Sawgrass Expressway. I lived in the mother fucking Ranches on 5 acres.