
Nothing., He could have killed many more then 17 people with a car when all the kids are on the sidewalk as soon as school lets out. Thank god he had a gun and not a car.

I used to live in Parkland when it was near 100% white. Most houses had big pieces of land. Then all the minorities from Coral Springs moved in and ruined it.

Actually, had he waited for the school to let out he could have easily killed way more than 17 by running them down on the sidewalk. Thank god he only had a gun and not a Chevy Suburban.

You can thank the SJWs for another school shooting.

Another entitled snowflake that didn’t get any Valentine’s Day cards or candy and threw a tantrum.

This will only get worse until they hand a gun to every kid on the way into school.

You can thank the SJWs for another school shooting.

Another entitled snowflake that didn’t get any Valentine’s Day cards or candy and threw a tantrum.

This will only get worse until they hand a gun to every kid on the way into school.

You can thank the SJWs for another school shooting.

Another entitled snowflake that didn’t get any Valentine’s Day cards or candy and threw a tantrum.

This will only get worse until they hand a gun to every kid on the way into school.

You can thank the SJWs for another school shooting.

Another entitled snowflake that didn’t get any Valentine’s Day cards or candy and threw a tantrum.

This will only get worse until they hand a gun to every kid on the way into school.

You can thank the SJW for another school shooting.

You can thank the SJW for another school shooting.

You can thank the SJW for another school shooting.

You can thank the SJW for another school shooting.

You can thank the SJW for another school shooting.

You can thank the SJW for another school shooting.

You can thank the SJW for another school shooting.

You can thank the SJW for another school shooting.

You can thank the SJW for another school shooting.

You can thank the SJW for another school shooting.

You can thank the SJW for another school shooting.

You see them all the time, based on the fact it has been basically the same vehicle for the last 20 years.

You are a tard. Luke trained with Obi Wan and Yoda to use the force for 2 movies until he was powerful enough to take on Vader. Rey doesn’t even know what the force is and 2 seconds later she is more powerful than Kylo. Who was able to stop laser blast, something even Vadar could not do. The whole point of the Matrix