
I like everybody.

Not true, there was also your Mom and sister that one time at the Donkey Show.


Your tears are delicious.

Shut up and go make me a samwitch.

Lol what does “American” look like.

My mom’s to busy in the kitchen making me a samwitch.

Come at me, bro.

Wakanda ain’t real nigger.

First off, she doesn’t look very American to me.

First off, she doesn’t look very American to me.

Which ever is the one you are looking to buy and the opposite of the one you are looking to trade in.

More SJW bullshit!

You are a fool if you can not see it has over corrected. Every show now has a gay couple or minority thrown in or a Mary Sue. I have no problem with strong female, gay or minority characters when their story arcs are earned, but instead of powerful women like Cersi on GOT or Dolores on WW, we get magical Mary Sues

That was fine at the time, but now SJW agenda has ruined good shows. Because of SJWs I could seen Sansa take it up the butt and there are now no more rapes on GOT. Go ruin your own shows.

Wait, how did they get 5 people behind that fat ass Clarkson?

It made sense to advance social justice in the 1960s, but now it has totally tipped the other way in over correction. Shoehorning in LGBT, woman and minority character for no reason and removing stuff SJW find objectionable in shows made for men. Go watch you Grey’s Anatomy and leave the shows like GOT, Westworld and

Youtube star is an oxymoron, moron.

Youtube star is an oxymoron, moron.

Your a cunt.