
Get a fucking treadmill or stay of public roads. Go find a nature trail to walk or run.

It is a nice SUV. The third row needs more legroom and to be a little bigger. Needs a 6 Cylinder engine. Then I would consider it for family duties.

Why do they let women talk? Anyway, they are lucky this wasn’t in Florida. They would have shot the guys and everyone who came out to film it.

If you can find one. Chances are you will be the only one in town with one.

I think the black girl is actively stealing the white girl’s wallet.

The Mary Sue is strong in this one.

Paypal/Ebay are the scum of the internet. If you haven’t been screwed by them, you just haven’t used them long or often enough.

Sad. They just can’t compete.

Only 5 billion are dateable.

And what I am saying is there is no such thing as the one. She is the most compatible right now. There will always be someone better for out there and things will undoubtedly change as you age. Marriage is outdated. Stay together until it just doesn’t feel right anymore. Don’t cheat. If you think spending time with

Of course she is not the fucking one. 5 billion people in the world and you just happen to find the one at the checkout line of WalMart. Fuck you. If you are having fun and it still feels right stay with her, but don’t marry. It will probably get to a point were you eventually can’t even stand being in the same room

That cat really need that TPS report!

That cat really need that TPS report!

Famewhoring for a famewhore. I’ve seen it all now.

Me: “Siri, I was raped”

Screen based VR will never go mainstream becasue of eye fatigue and nausea. They need to beam the image directly into your eye.

That interior is very well done.

What the hell was the Jeep doing up that high?

I just hacked the game code and injected a SuperNuke™

Your SJW vagina is showing.