
Well you can, but you pretty much have to go on the attack and land a knockout punch. UFC is scripted theater. The hits are real, but the winner is chosen by the guy running it ahead of time. As they say, money talks. Thank god a stream this shit for free.

UFC is sripted theater. The hits are real, but the winner is chosen by the guy running it ahead of time. As they say, money talks.

Underwater nuke test 12.1 miles away in international waters will take care of the problem.

I know it is popular to jump on the McCarthy hate train, but I love her. She does one thing and she does it very well. I see her exactly like a female Farley, not because the weight, but because of the physical and comedic timing. Also, think Mckinon is going to be the next big SNL star. She puts her all into the lame