Captain Midnight

Totally called it bitches. Russia wanted this from the start. Oil is the only thing they have and Putin can not let low oil prices and US sanctions against it business stand. Proxy war incoming in 3..2... Also, Russian fighter jets are shit.

Don’t bother. People here do not want to here the truth. Even when facts are indisputable. The news stations over her never mention race even when they give the description of a suspect on the loose. Something you think would be an important fact for the public. Also, look at Gawker data they produced to show the

Jesus Christ. What has happened to football? It has been ruimed by a weak commissioner and lawyers. For the games sakes someone needs to take control. Streamline the rules, redesign the safety equipment so we can go back to hitting, and give the owners and commissioner back the power. I remember when you could not

That show was so bad everyone invloved should be fired.

How is this guy YOURSELF? He is killing it in my multiplayer matches.

At lease she will have the VD to keep her warm.

I would be shaking if this was 1995. Everything in that building already looks obsolete. Suck it Putin.

There is no universe in which this movies flops. Even if the story is complete dog shit this will be the first movie to break 1 Billion domestic and 3 billion international.

Pretty sure that’s a Lambo, dude.


If they try to drop you go out with a sledge hammer and smash their junction boxes. Easily done at 2:00 am when everyone asleep.

If ATT ever throttled my connection I would take a sledge hammer to every phone junction box in the rich part of town. No internet for anyone.

Did you not watch the video? Russia and China both have supersonic missles that make any ship a sitting duck. They can lauch as few as 20 which cost them maybe 100 million and sink a 13 billion dollar carrier with another 2 billion of aircraft on it.

Now playing

Educate yourself. Nothing on a carrier is going to be able to stop multiple carrier Killer missiles traveling at Mach 10.

We have bases in Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Israel. At least until ISIS overruns them.

Nah. Only the use of a nuke gets a nuke response. Which is why no nation state with a return address would use them. Carriers are sitting ducks and their defenses can be easily overwhelmed by multiple supersonic missiles from various vectors.

I find it amusing that they got just as far into the playoffs last year with Manning, as the previously did with Tebow.

Pretty sure most of the targeted buildings would have been empty in anticipation. Let’s hope Russia doesn’t shot down one of those French planes.

I have relatively little interest in UFC and boxing in general, but always stream the big fights to screw them out of their $50 PPV fee. I will say it was way more entertaining than the Mayweather/Pac fight. Holm kept her away and made it a boxing lesson, which was her strength. Ronda’s mistake seemed to be holding

Yes, so did the Dreamcast and the PS2 but they all sucked. It wasn’t until the 360 and Xbox LIVE did it actually become a game changer.