Coleman scores more than Mr. Duggar is the only semi funny one I can read. The rest are blurry or not funny.
Coleman scores more than Mr. Duggar is the only semi funny one I can read. The rest are blurry or not funny.
I said gamechangers for the home console market. Also, Avegant Jellfyfish beams the image directly into your eye removing many of the problems associated with “googles” and the Rift.
I had a Dreamcast. It was slow. laggy, expensive and mostly unplayable. Dreamcast may have been first, heck my PS2 even had a modem, but Xbox Live was the first one to get it right and make it mainstream for the console.
Ebola can not be weaponized to be an air borne contagion? So I guess they used something else.
So serious question guys. Does this change the US plans to let in 100,000 Syrian refugees? How about we bomb the shit out of Assad or strike a deal for his removal and let Russia put in a puppet government and give them back their country to go home to.
I read on a twitter account, the terrorist infected themselves with Ebola and have been riding the trains over there for the last few weeks.
What most people don’t realize is there has only been 4 next generation machines. Systems that really change the way we game and not just ad slightly prettier graphics or gimmicks. So without further ado, here are the systems that changed home gaming.
HaHa Russia. You have been Putin the penalty box.
Fuck UPS. When I print out UPS labels I print out a few extra and just send out random package of shit I don’t want to take to the dump.
it was auctioned and that the engine was legally the property of the seller.
Trump never had any intention of being President. He has been a friend of The Clintons for years and has paid them for influence. His whole Presidential bid is to make sure Hilary wins.
The multiplayer sucks. And the fact that they screwed up BF4 with the latest update, just so people stop playing and pick up Battlefront makes me sick. Bring on BF5 with 64 on 64 matched on large conquest with fully destructible and dynamic maps. Forget single player and have at least 20 different maps at launch.…
It is mostly all about lag and ping. If you are doing bad, just get a assault rifle with rapid fire and large ammo clips. Don’t worry if damage is not that great, you would be dead before you even fire. The base LMG is also a good place to start.
The real crime here is that he was ever a potential Heisman canadidate. Bama showed just how average he is.
I think it is test footage that leaked from the new Deadpool movie.
That used to be called tackling in my day. Seriously, redesign the safety equipment so we can get back to playing football and not pussball.
That’s President Trump to you Jezzy pleb.
I find it ironic that most here feel she is at least partially responsible for leaving her car running with the keys in it, yet if this same woman got sloppy drunk and was dressed as a slut, would never consider she was also partially responsible for being attacked.