Captain Midnight

My balls hurt watching this.

Jesus, is Lexus really that out of touch? $70,000 for a prettier Camry Hybrid? They have become the over priced Euro cars they were created to defeat. Give me a $38,000 Hyundai Genesis instead.

Good. The police should chip in a few bucks for hassling him. Hope he really uses the money to buy a car and better his life.

I still like it, but Copperpot has stolen the show along with Gordon's partner. Gordon is alright, but little Wayne and Alfred and cat girl need to go up the stairs to their room ala Happy Days. They could come back much further down the line if the show lasts that long. They also need to trim the villain list and

I know absolutely nothing about off roading, but it seems to me bigger tires, slightly slower speeds and the abilty to lockup would be better than gunning it and getting no traction or catching so much air you flip.

In my day "shade" meant to cover something up, hide it from public light.

Except for the sexual part, that used to be called parenting.

Fake. I can have an exact replica made in China for $20.

If you can believe it, Mulaney is even worse.

I shoot these down all the time with my IGLA.

2:57 in the video. Bob. Seriously, Bob? Someone close to him please tell him for the love of god that rug is not doing him any favors.

The Chinese hate the Japanese. The Xbox One will sell well there if the government allows a good online experience.

Holy Crap. Are the Japanese the only one that can make a supercar that doesn't burst into flames anymore? The Italians were a given, but now the Germans also.

That is not a real BMW. It is not parked sideways taking up 3 parking spaces and being driven by a douchbag.

I have a few fake ones. They were easy. Just added a pic and a few likes. Then added about 20 "friends" from 4chan thread.

Ironically, the old Rice jerseys were donated to the local Women's shelter.

LOL. Since when is pointing out bad ideas, victim blaming?

Haha. Denver replaced Tebow with Manning and got the same result for more money. Losers.

And that was the most exciting thing that happen at a soccer game ever.

Kendall's fifteen minutes of fame are almost up. Where the hell is that porno?