Terrible. Couldn't make it past the first few seconds.
Terrible. Couldn't make it past the first few seconds.
Knowledge. Anon got into the PD database. They might have the wrong name, but no way he is at least not a cop. So chief is lying. Only someone close to him would risk trying to kill the cop, everyone else is just keyboard tough guys. I have seen Zimmerman out in public hundreds of times. no one fucks with him.
It used to be the job of the traditional media to protect us from their abuses, but all the news corps are brought and paid for. The Guardian is about the only real news reporting left. It is now left up to vigilant groups like Anonymous to protect the truth.
Probably will be the right person. No one will die.
The guys name was Bryan P. Willman. Chief is saying he is not even an officer, but I doubt Anonymous could get it that wrong that the guy is not even a cop.
Ferguson police have Anon twitter account taken down. Let's see how big and bad you are now Anonymous
If anyone is interested, I will be at the corner of Chambers and Florrisant tonight handing out free guns. I will also be flying my AK Hunter drone to legally record events and handing out water and gas masks.
It looked like he purposely swerved into the guy to me.
I miss the rape gifs. How about you Katie?
He is probably such an egomaniac he wants the world to end with him. I say we send over Seal Team 6 and end him like we did Osama.
Glyph 2.0 is better.
Next thing you know, restaurants will charge you a $500 "fee" for leaving a bad review.
Rollcage for the PSX and, at least in the US, Poy Poy.
Dead guy standing in doorway at :39
I'll be sure to point you for being so inconsiderate to others as I spit in your face.
Ask Donald Sterling is he has free speech.
I see this as become a real problem once VR starts to mature in 5 years. Just like people now use drugs to escape their lives, a VR world could be very addictive to someone looking to escape reality.
I love what Tesla is doing, but those doors are a big mistake. Added weight and cost. Also takes 5 seconds longer to open and get of than a regular door. Pure gimmick.