Captain Midnight

Don't really need it. US knew within the first 30 minutes exactly where and when the missile was fired from using MIDAS early warning satellite data.

Magnetic Rail Gun will make all delivery systems obsolete. Cross the Atlantic in 5 minutes and then controlled flight to target for the last 50 miles.

If I was ever forced to go to a boring baseball game, I think I would run on to the field too. At least this way it would be exciting. I could also maybe win a nice lawsuit if they use excessive force to catch me. And I may even get lucky and be banned for life from entering the stadium. Win-win all the way around.

Can you say class action lawsuit for all Day One buyers?

A site attributed to a separatist leader suggests rebels may have shot down MH17, but it has since been taken down and details remain unclear.

No need to speculate. It was shoot down by Russian terrorist fight in Eastern Ukraine. They claimed responsibility on Russian Facebook equivalent an hour before news broke it was a commercial airliner and then tried to remove the post, but people already captured it.

That is sexist. I am going to sue the TSA. As a man I should be able to request a female to pat me down. Also, what do transgender people get?

I would of fired his ass. It is fine if that is the way he says it or even if it is the correct way to say it, but as an actor you are hired to say words that are written for you.

I know a guy with five penises. His pants fit like a glove.

It's basketball. Just like soccer no one fucking cares. Bring on the real football.

Wasn't this the bitch that screamed outrage at being photographed in her hotel room and then turned around and plastered her cunt on every social media site for the world to see?

I don't pay for porn because there is so much free content, but I would give a dollar to see Kendell's sex tape, if it is as good as her sister Kim's

She did great in competing the course, but her time was terrible. Don't really watch the show, but would guess that compared to most men that finish the course her time was nearly double. Still great accomplishment even finishing.

At least it looks like his wife will be happy tonight.

At least it looks like his wife will be happy tonight.

Bacon has turned many a Jew.

She is right. they should kill every Jew and Arab over there and start over. Hell, they could kill everyone on that side of the planet as long as gas and walmart prices don't go up.