Captain Midnight

Ah, the good old days when Acura used to make good looking cars to go along with their high tech reliable reputation.

The Glyph will actually be better than the Rift once they improve FOV and the costs comes down in 4-5 years. VR/4K is true next gen gaming. Not 3 year old PC hardware that the XB1 ans PS4 are. Let's not even mention the 2 generation old Wii U.

I never torrent, but my friends sister cousin uses them all the time. He uses and only downloads form trusted VIP sources. Then he goes to eztv,,, or and for streaming.

Wii U sucks

Yeah, I already said I meant his personal account. One the was not affiliated with SuirusXM or the show or used any Opie&Andie designation. He will file a wrongful termination lawsuit and win. This health food corporation tried to fire a woman for a photo of her smoking on her personal Facebook account. The court

Give it up, you lost the argument.

Not when that is what he was hired to do and SirusXM have perpetuated their acceptance of it by allowing him to do it on air literally hundreds of times only worst. That was his own personal twitter account that was not affiliated with his show or SirusXM in anyway. If this was on air or on his O&A website, than

You're a tard. In the last month alone over forty people were fired or had to apologize for their speech. Joan Rivers calling the first lady a tranny, Donald Sterling, Gary Oldman, etc. Once you have to start apologizing for words, ideas and beliefs your first amendment rights are dead.

Yeah right. A baby that can't eat under a blanket. Guess they weren't that hungry than. Stop being an inconsiderate cunt. You have many alternatives, the other customers do not. Go to the bathroom, go to a discreet corner, cover up with a blanket, feed the kid before you go out, carry a bottle with pumped milk, carry

That's just it. He wasn't the face of the company at the time. He was not on air and he was using his own personal Twitter account which is not affiliated with the show or Sirus. I have a friend who is in radio and he has two Facebook pages. One that identifies his radio affiliation and one that does not.

His reputation when SirusXM hired him was as a shock jock racist. He has said much worse over the air for years than calling that animal a nigger while he was being attacked. What was he supposed to say while being hit, thank you kind African-American lady? Has America lost all common sense? I hate these Fox Tea Party

Yeah right, like that lady that was fired for being to pretty. You can fire anybody tard, but if it is unjustified you will get sued for wrongful termination just like Cumia will do to SirusXM.

Looks like she ate the DreamHouse™

I think legally once a car splits in two, all warranties are void.

# ThisTimeItsPersonal

I meant his twitter feed was his personal account. One that was not affiliated with Sirus or his show in any way. It would be like if you were employed at a health food company and they saw a pic of you smoking on you own personal twitter feed and fired you. He will definitely sue and at the very least have them pay

You mean the same corporation that hired him specifically because he was controversial and shocking? You mean the same corporation the condoned through their inaction literally hundreds of others racist incidents on air, that were 100 times worse. You mean the same corporation the fired him for voicing his own private

If you called your boss a fucking asshole for 364 day in a row and he fired on the 365th day for saying it, he could still fire you, but would win a wrongful termination lawsuit like Cumia will.

Anthony you should have stood your ground and shot that transsexual. She looks like she could have hurt you. This way you would not have been angry and posted those thoughts to your private twitter page and the media would not have attacked you for being a victim.