Captain Midnight

Yeah, except he did not say these exact comments on the air, did he? This is his own private twitter account. What's next, thought police? If he had committed a crime off the air or violated a clause of his contract, they would have the right, but they knew he was controversial and racist when they hired him.

Freedom of speech is dead in America. I hate Fox News and racist like this guy, but I will defend his right to say it. Just cancelled all my subscriptions with SirusXM and the Indian guy on the other end said, "Why you go?", I simply said #BecasueAmerica. Besides you can get pretty much all SirusXM shows for free

So why are you even going out in public with this rare child that can not take a bottle or eat with its head covered (yeah right). Go do it in the bathroom or discreetly out of sight and stop being inconsiderate.

Only losers and pedophiles still use Facebook.

The chances of someone dying between a kid eating a peanut butter sandwich at lunch and someone dying or being stricken ill from lactose are the same. Beside there is also the component of it just being plain inconsiderate when there many other ways to fed her child. As I said, I am not against breast feeding as long

Why so mad? Realize you were wrong?

Don't really think they have a case. Unless they specifically mention it in their terms of service, which I doubt it did at the time.

Eating a peanut butter sandwich isn't "something private" either. Nothing dirty or disgusting about it. It's feeding a hunger and enjoyable for people that like peanut butter and it is the way nature intended. However, since people are allergic to peanuts, just like lactose, it is something you do in private if you

Popping pimples isn't private either, but considerate people do it in the bathroom rather than the dinner table. Come back when you have consideration for your fellow man.

No, but if I have to do something private, I do it it there.

Just admit you were wrong. She wasn't trapped in an elevator or someplace she could not move from with no other options. She knew her kid would be hungry some time that day. She could of pump ahead of time, bring a bottle of formula, go home and do it or go do it somewhere discreetly. All perfectly logical solutions

Milk could drip onto the table or food while she is breast feeding. There are no rules about popping pimples in public either, but you shouldn't do that either. Also, there is no rule at my kid's school about bringing in peanut butter. I do it out of consideration. Learn to be more consideration of your fellow human

Do you really think me eating peanut butter is going to result in you ingesting peanuts?You're being absolutely ridiculous. But you know what, I refrain because I am considerate. Just like this woman could have refrain from breast feeding in public, if she was also considerate.

Why the fuck should I have to eat in the bathroom, when you are the one that is subjecting people to act out of the norm? If you want to equate it to eating, then compare it to how we prevent people from eating peanut butter in school cafeterias.

Not when you are allergic to lactose. My peanut butter sandwich would probably not kill anyone in a school cafeteria either, but I have consideration for others, unlike you.

It doesn't matter if you think it is gross or not. I don't think peanut butter is gross, yet I don't send it to school for my kid's lunch because I have consideration.

So why do you think you don't see many people pooping pimples at their table, because unlike this woman, they have consideration for their fellow human being. She has many options available to her to fed her baby, but chooses one that apparently grossed out this other woman.

Ah, the reply of someone that realizes they lost the argument.

Me popping my pimples in your face while you eat doesn't impose anything on you either, but I bet you would not like it.

I don't give a shit about seeing some cunt's tit. It is rude to impose that on people you don't know. She knew her kid would be hungry some time that day. Pump ahead of time, bring a bottle of formula, go home and do it or go do it somewhere discreetly. All perfectly logical solutions instead of, I am going to do