Captain Midnight

It is not a matter of being sanitary. It is called being respectful of your fellow human being. Peanut butter isn't unsanitary either, but my kid can not bring it to school because another kid might be allergic. I am lactose intolerant, so her breast milk could be deadly to me or at the very least give me the Hersey

I tell them don't take it out, unless you have enough for everybody.

I have no problem with breast feeding. Just do it in the bathroom or discreetly in the corner. Did it really come as a surprise that her baby would be hungry and need to be fed? She doesn't know when her baby will take a shit either, doesn't mean I want see her change her baby's crappy diaper on the counter in front

I would have started peeing on the floor. That is a natural biological process as well.

Thank god. Now I don't have to hear anymore about this soccer shit for another 4 years.

Only losers and pedophiles still use facebook.

I don't want to read Kendall's book. I want to see her home video, if you know what I mean.

I will gladly put up a million dollars to kill you. If GM contributed to their death they should pay dearly. Maybe a scumbag like you is only worth a couple of thousand dollars, by you could not put a price on the people that I know and love.

I know its sounds morbid putting a price on death, but $1 million dollars sounds kind of low now days. I would think $5 million would more the minimum price for any human life. I know it says they would not give up their right to sue, but I doubt any lawyers would advise their client to take it, considering the much

That's the same reaction I had when I saw it.

I came for the prison rape stories, but I stayed for the inside viewpoint.

Dammit Oldman. Who is the hypocrite now? You know that is how you truly feel and you are right. How much more money do need? Tell them to fuck off like Mel and go live the good life.

Anybody that has to specifically point out they are not a douche, is most likely a douche.

Except a timeless classic look that will never go out of style, that the Mercedes can't match.

Steam is a pile of crap. Thank god they screwed up and chickened out of make proprietary Steam Machine hardware. They had a real chance to unseat one of the big three and their "next gen" consoles that use 3 year old PC parts.

Meth is a hell of a drug.

I wish I had black neighbors to blame things on.

How did you keep from vomiting at the site of its ugliness? This SUV makes the Aztek look like a million bucks.

I agree with all those. Plus to combat the low scoring and tie games they should have a +1 situation at the halfway point. Each team gets an extra guy on the field. First one team gets the advantage for 5 minutes, and then the other team gets the advantage for 5 minutes.

American Football and special horse racing events are the only sports worth watching.