Captain Midnight

I think it might be time a got a dash cam. Between this and that guy that tried to insurance scam that guy in the parking garage, it just might be time.

All of them look like more of the same. The only thing that was new a fresh was that VR shooting game were you could dodge bullets like in the Matrix.

Most advanced train in the world and no one thought to put in a outside temperature gauge.

Surely there enough sensors already in modern cars that would be capable of determining if the temperature inside the car was hazardous if it detected a lifeform in a parked car and that would open the windows and trigger the alarm.

DMV employees are only happy when they are busting peoples balls.

Wait for the second generation Glyph then. It beams the image directly into the eye. Once they increase the FOV in the second generation it will become the VR gold standard.

It is true, every car line has lemons, but as a car dealer going to the use car auctions and seeing probably near 50,000 cars a year go through you get to know design defects. Like in the 90s almost every Audi 5000 over 60,000 miles had power steering pump leaks or that anything with a Mistubishi V-6 would eventually

You kids and your syncros. We don't need no stinking syncros.

Virtual sex with cough*attachments*cough is what is going to sell virtual reality. Porn always advances new ways of media consumption. From the printing press, cameras, motion pictures, VCR, DVD, computers to now VR.

Sensor override.

No, but I am sure if a cop saw a driverless car in my state, he would pull it over or get in front of it to stop it.

Not in my state. They are illegal.

Driver less cars are never going to happen. Terrorist would fill them with explosives and program them to drive to government buildings.

To bad the golf cart didn't have gun to protect itself.

I'm going to bring my Men's Right group to the same Friendly' s that day and have them rub one out under their sweats pants, from all that naked boobage. Erection are a natural biological reaction and need to be medically relieved. If you don't want to bring a bottle, STFU and go into the bathroom or find a discrete

Glitch free multiplayer?

Putin is like an 8th grade bully picking on a skinny and weak Obama, but Putin does know Obama has a Desert Eagle .50 Caliber in his lunch box.

If she is singing Frozen songs or passing herself off as Elsa, then Disney will send her a cease and desist letter and then sue if she does not stop. If she is just passing herself off as a generic princess under her own name, like Princess Anna, then there is nothing they can do about the fact that she looks like

China says thank you, but we were already using them anyway.

It is called subsidized pricing. You get a $400 rift for $199 with subscription to a VR service for $10/month, plus they force ads and get a cut of the game revenue.