Captain Midnight

Remember to buy all you EA games used so they do not see an additional cent of profit, until the fix their crappy games and stop treating their customers like shit.

She said he was delightful.

Because dogs are not as delicious as cows.

Fair point. The Road: The Early Days

Ha, where is that guy that was posting all the crap here about Sterling folding.

So basically, The Road in video game format.

Looks more like Call of Doody to me.

No discipline. Probably no one in this special snowflakes life ever told her no or smack her across the face if she did something wrong.

Sony's Delaystation 4 strikes again.

I am sure these pro-Russian civilians can just go down to the local 7-11 and buy all the SAMs they can carry. Obviously, Russia is at war with Ukraine. Ukraine should deploy heavy artillery and pound the rebels in eastern Ukraine into dust. I would start by taking out all government buildings they occupy and then

What the hell are you all fighting for? If he doesn't want the money, he can donate it to charity or throw it away. End of problem.


I am. And for the 312 million other Americans that would not touch this last gen console.

Still not good enough to make anyone buy a Wii U.

Buy all your EA games used until they fix their games and stop treating their customers like crap.

Following rules is a bitch.


Remember to buy all your EA games used so they see no additional profit, until they fix their games and stop treating their customers like crap.

That was mostly terrible. To much embellishment covering up the original tune. And how can you not have PSX Wipeout on there.