Captain Midnight

Both the XB1 and PS4 suck and neither offer next generation gaming. However, if you are a FPS fan like most are, the XB1 is the superior console. You get exclusives like Titanfall and Halo and you get all the map packs early. I am not some poor peasant PC gamer that has to wait months for content and for Steam sales

He should get off as it clearly is a case of "Affleuenza"

Sony is in rough financial shape because the Chinese have killed their TV division. MS has tons of money and could easily subsidized the cost of a true next gen machine. You do undrstand what subsidized means right? It is the same reason you can get a $500 Iphone or $500 satellite DVR/receiver basically for free with

Why would they by thousands of dollars? They are made out of sand, plastic and metal. The only reason they are that high is low volume and production yields. MS places an order for 10 million units at a time, they get them for $300/piece by next year. That might have made the XB1 $200 more. Throw out the Kinect like

This should have been the GPU for the PS4 and XB1. This is next gen gaming. Not the 3 year old PC hardware we got.

Will this included all the glitches and Lagaloution that made BF4 so great?

Valve had a real shot at upsetting the Big 3, but then chicken out because of cost. Hopefully, they have reevaluated their position. The PS4 and XB1 are way under power and should never be called next-gen (the Wii U should not even be call last gen). They can lock down the software side with Steam being digital

Playstation 4? More like Delaystation Bore.

They still haven't fixed BF4. Buy all your EA games used, until they treat their customers right.

2015 release date.


At least they weren't throwing bullets, like all the cool kids do now days.

I think he knew her from her days of being a rap star groupie and being passed around. Why couldn't he met a nice girl like Taylor Swift.

Can't wait for the Kimye "divorce" episode. The only thing bigger will be when the mom releases Kendall Jenner's sex tape.

To bad no one had a gun.

All I want to know is if Kendell Jenner will be sucking Scott Disick?

VR is still probably 5 years from mainstream, but when it hits it is going to be huge. Mostly for the VR sex for all the nerds and virgins. Some of the games might also be cool.

5 million dollars? 5 million dollars! Time to go find a Google car to jump in front of.

Damn. I had 2 Darwin awards to give out, but they lived.