I thought the generation leap to the Atari 5200 was bad, but this is the weakest generation leap ever. Both the PS4 and XB1 were obsolete at launch. My 3 year old PC had more power. Bring on VR/4K gaming with real next gen hardware.
I thought the generation leap to the Atari 5200 was bad, but this is the weakest generation leap ever. Both the PS4 and XB1 were obsolete at launch. My 3 year old PC had more power. Bring on VR/4K gaming with real next gen hardware.
I am astounded people still pay for porn with all the free/pirated stuff on the net. Although, if Ray J and Big But are pulling in that kind of money, Kendell Jenner would be making a few million.
There is really only one reason to get the XB1 over the PS4 and that is if you love shooters. You get exclusive like Halo and TitanFall and you get all the map packs early. The Kinect is only good for recognizing you when you log in and for saying "Xbox record that", which works maybe 80% of the time. All the other…
Highly ineffective but great for overwhelming Iron Dome and letting guided missiles through.
Sounds like a Fetlife shill story to me, but whatever.
PedoBear 2.0?
Special Snowflakes don't need no stinkin dress codes.
In his defense, maybe she was being annoying.
But all your EA games used until they finally fix their shitty servers and netcode.
If I was Sterling I would fire all my players and replace them with midgets. Or replace them with huge white Russians that constantly commit flagrant fouls and break LeBron's legs.
I don't know what everyone is getting so upset about? I see stuff on tv all day that I find objectionable. Nancy Grace, Kanye West and Honey Boo Boo to name just a few.
Most of our games didn't have numbers after them.
An IGN reviewer called this a modern day Animal House. I called him a tard and told him to get off my lawn
There is basically only a few reasons to get the XB1 over the PS4. The most important is if you only play online shooters. You get the map packs earlier and get exclusives like Titanfall and Halo. Second is if you already have an 360 and just just want to use the same LIVE account and gamer tag. The Kinect and the…
You think these are bad? Wait until you see the sex machine attachments.
Common sense has gone out the window. I second grader at my kid's school was suspended for eating his pop tart into a vague shape resembling a gun, and then putting the "barrel" end in his own mouth and going bang.
Can I get the same refund for Battlefield 4?
Clarkson's teeth offend me. He should be fired.
These look good. Can he make $100 bills on request?