Captain Midnight

I like him because he only lets the guest shill their projects for a second or two and then basically does improv sketch comedy with them. Sometimes it is pure gold. Other times down right awkward and uncomfortable. Whatever it is that night, at least it is not the same boring ass-kissing talk show with the same inane

Sorry dude, this is the real JC.

How can any of those TOS, licensing agreements or disclaimer be legal. If the judges say they are enforceable then I would simply put on my product or service "You can not sue us for any reason"

I don't know if this guy's name was really or not, but years ago I sold something on ebay to a guy in England named:

I bet you James Franco could have gotten away with it by calling it performance art. He can even sleep with underage girls.

I was thinking the same thing. He use to point out real mistakes, now he is just nitpicking and using his personal interpretation of events to frame his arguments.

You got half a game because Respawn is lazy and EA likes to rip you off. This is like buying Super Mario Bros one level at a time.

Should be free, because we paid $60 for just multiplayer DLC.

You need a camera on you at all times dealing with cops or the government.

Their 12 years a slave DVD is hilarious.

She still looks pretty good with makeup. Without it so looks decent, but I think she is going to age badly and become one of the fat Russian women.

I do my part to let them know they are the worst. I buy all my EA games used so they don't see a penny of additional profit. Just picked up TitanFall for my XB1 for $45 used, even though I could have got a brand new one from Amazon for the same price.

I had a friend that died because his seat belt trapped him in a burning car, so there you go. Look, it is not like they were holding him out the window while driving drunk down the freeway. Get a grip.

It was just how things were back then. Seriously though, when I was a baby my mother held me in her arms. However, I did really ride on the armrest on a few occasions when I was a toddler and the car was full. I guess my parents thought I would be shot out the front windshield and roll to safety. My point was the kid

I sat on the freaking front seat armrest between my parents in my dad's Toronado until I was 2. Quit being a bunch of wussies.

That's not Batllefield 4. The shark isn't rubber banding.

If the fan had pushed the player, he would have been tazed, beaten, ejected and banned from the park. Player pushes a fan. Whatever.

The super reflective glass gives it away. And the problem with all next gen graphics is they are to clean, smooth and uniform.

Your review makes no sense. Its like skipping to the last page of a book and going, I don't get it. This is stupid, I did not like this book.

Battlefield 4 is the world's biggest April Fools joke. Here is a game that can be great, but it so full of bugs and the servers are so crappy you can't even play it. I hope more people start buying all their EA games used, so they stop screwing their customers.