Captain Midnight

I thought it was good, but to many major moments rushed. Most of this season was bad filler episodes and I think stretching out the wedding for all of it was a mistake, considering 10 minutes into the finale Robin and Barney are divorced.

Sony PSX, the last true next gen system. Guess we will have to for Virtual Retina Displays like the Glyph for true next gen gaming.

I know this has to be here somewhere, but with the new layout I can't even search for it so:

Well, apparently 115 people agree with you, so maybe I have officially become a grumpy old man at 35. Get off my lawn!

I would have shot the pig, if I knew her.

That literally was the unfunniest thing I have ever seen.

What, no IGLAs? I uses them to take down all the MIGs in BF4.

I buy all my EA games used. Even if cost me more than getting a new copy. They will not see a penny from me until they fix their BugField 4. Wish more people did this so they stop treating their customers like crap.

If this has fully destructible environments, I am in. Gameplay looks so much better than COD: Ghost.

Screw all the Easter egg shit and fix that glichfest and the crappy servers.

There is one over riding factor in what you should and that is visibility.

I know 2 guys that would object.

VR is still 4-5 years away from becoming mainstream entertainment. First they need to lose the screens and go with the Virtual Retina design used by the Glyph. With VRDs the image is beamed directly into the eye, with out the screen door effect and the eye fatigue. VRDs will need improved optics and faster eye

during the persian golf war.

Exactly, how we act or fail to act will determine if we have integrity in offering Iran/NK the same deals for abandoning their nuclear programs. I bet right now Ukraine wishes they held onto those nukes. Why any country that has the means to get nukes, would not do so hangs in the balance. We fail to act, that give

Come at me, broski! I have been practicing on BF4 and my Chinese Type 95 AA can take down all your shit!

All I know is, the Chinese Type 95 AA is a beast in BF4.

How about doing away with first class and using the room to make economy class bigger.

"this thing is freakin..."