Captain Midnight

XB1 looks better. In motion you can hardly tell the difference. Only when you stop it frame by frame does the PC have slightly better textures.

His movies have been so-so, but he was excellent in his show Extras. I still use kiddiediddler when talking about priest.

Damnit, fuck this shit! When I brought home my ColecoVision I just put the games in and played. I can't wait for this generation to die. Worst Gen Ever.

I hate people that waste food for gimmick youtube hits. Do the world a favor and buy all that food and donate it homeless shelter.

I don't know why any schools continue to have sports programs with the huge insurance premiums and these "special snowflake" parents. How about the parents rush down there and drag their kid of the ice for taking a puck shot at the ref because the kid got his honey boo boo feeling hurt.

Doesn't this guy have a scanner. Just scan in and old sticker a PS the date.

Yes, but you have to live in Singapore to use it, so its a wash.

You know when I got my ColecoVision, I just put in the fucking game and played. Now I got to wait 30 god damn minutes to install the entire glitch filled BF4 to my hard drive to just play the fucking multiplayer. Pay to view advertisements, get raped by DLC and developers holding back content. I own 2 games and my

The day that happens is the day a smash my XB1. I tolerate the game/movie ads on my 360 because I pirate the ones that force me to view their advertisement as revenge.

How come PS4 graphics don't look as good as this?

That is the ugly Maserati anyway.

The Wii U controller is a bigger gimmick than the terrible Kinect on the XB1.

You won't be laughing when those 12 year olds use their Xbox controller to control the drones that free you, after Putin invades your country.

Translation: We didn't think charging $60 for a game that is only Multiplayer was rapey enough. So now we are going to rape you even harder.

Ricky Gervis was the best host ;)

I have the XB1 version and just downloaded the new patch from a few days ago. BF4 is still a horrible glitchy mess even 6 months after its release. I still have:

When I first saw it I thought, damn Sharon Stone looks awesome. Her plastic surgeon is a god.

Oh my God! It's happening! It's really happening!

Somebody call me when Kendell releases her porn video.