Captain Midnight

TitanFall is basically an improved COD run and gun. COD:Ghost sucked and Respawn took all the problems with COD and fixed them. No running out of ammo, bots to kill to keep unlocking weapons for weaker/noob players, etc.

They should make him play the new COD: Ghosts. That crapfest is punishment enough.

It is not like every noob would get it, just like 20% so fully geared players would never know who has it and might think twice before risking all their stuff just to screw with some people. Those that do get it would have it for a certain time limit, level limit or weapon limit. I don't know how they rank players,

90 degree exhaust port. Problem solved. No torpedo going that fast is going to be able to turn 90 degrees in a hole no bigger than the length of said torpedo.

I get rubber banding in about 60% of my games. So no.

Not every noob would get it, but you would never know if the had it so you would be chancing them killing you if they have it. It can only be used by the noob after they die and only against the player that killed them and had only if the killer was so far higher up then the person they killed.

We probably won't be providing any evidence, but people will either get unbanned or a 'nope' and not be able to appeal again.

The banned players could bring a class action civil lawsuit demanding a refund or damages for breach of contract. Rust would than have to go to court and provide proof of their cheating

Base on a 2008 Supreme Court ruling. End result is the can try to ban you all they like, you can just change you ip address and get back on and there is nothing criminal about it.

Here you go:

Right. I am not saying they can't try to ban you, but there is nothing stopping you from getting back in. Supreme court ruling that EULA are not enforceable in criminal cases. It would be a civil matter.

EULA are not enforceable. Supreme court ruling. I could put up a website that has a EULA that you owe me $1000 everytime you visit my website.

Man it is so easy to fix the BS of killing newbs in Rust in DayZ. Simply have a few devices that only newbs can find for like there first few days or levels, then leaves their inventory when they are strong enough. It would be like a dead man switch/suicide vest that can be triggered by newb for 5 seconds after he is

You can pick apart every movie if you wanted to.

What ever you are smoking, I want some. Wii U and Vita are dead. XB1 and PS4 while be lucky to reach 75% unit sales of their predecessors. You have to wait for VR gaming for something innovative.

You can't Flim Flam the Zim Zam!

You can't Flim Flam the Zim Zam!

So apparently pushing is no big deal to you. I am going to wait until you are at the top of the stairs or on a balcony 20 stories up. Then we will see how big a deal you thing pushing can be.

So is a lot of shit they don't enforce, moron.

He should give back my money.