Captain Midnight

I have yelled fire in a theater many times. I yell "I am on fire!" when I get the movie quizzes right. Stop dredging up cliched urban legend.

Sorry, free speech is legal in 'Merica. Physical contact with the intent to intimate or injure is not.

Good thing George Zimmerman wasn't there. He would have shot the thug while standing his ground.

Are you blind? He walked over to the guy and shoved him. If I had been there I would have tried to kick Marcus's ass and when the cops/security came to swarm I would have demanded they arrest him as well. Then I would have a nice lawsuit when they took me away and refused to detain Smart for questioning. Basketball

Holy shit! I would have ran on to the court to kick his ass. That is assault. I am sure there are cops and security around and I would have demanded they arrest the thug.

She already took it in the butt. How many holes does she have left?

Where the fat people at?

In my college days I ate a huge amount of wings and for me at least, Trappey's Bull Hot Sauce with a little butter and ketchup is the closest to great bar wings. Frank's is just to vinegary and Sriracha should never be used.

It is because of tools like this the MS will soon ban all user names with XBOX in them.

2014 years ago my son was unfairly nailed to a cross. I demand reparations.

Always appropriate for a TitanFall post.

Does he mean like this?

Not a typo. Super Bowl is copyrighted and can not be use without the expressed written consent of the National Football League.

I don't want college players to get paid. I would rather they give them 4 year scholarships and cut short their eligibility and only give them 2 years to prove themselves worthy of the NFL. If they wash out, they still got a 4 year education for free so they are getting paid in education. Then I would make the NFL pay

I had to give 3 to bet on the Broncos. Damn USA government making me bet overseas.

Yes, I think there is a real danger to it. Just like people use drugs to escape reality, so will a portion of users might escape into the the VR world. That being said, like everything it should be taken in moderation. I personally think VRD is much more impressive than the VR of the Rift or Cove. Even with the 1080p

All the snacks suck in the US. Most have no flavoring at all. The only good ones are at the bottom of the bag that got all the flavoring that fell off the other ones.

Yes, but backing up the 2pt conversion from the 2 yard line to the 5 makes it harder.