Captain Midnight

Steam Machine will be a huge flop. People will continue to build there own gaming PC. It they had just but the bullet and came out with a 2 tier steam console. Good and Best that can be upgraded in a few years with a Steam approved GPU cards, then they had a chance. Then make everything guarantee to play in the Steam

Simplest solution is the best. Move it back to the 35 yard line for extra point or let them try from the 5 yard line for a 2 pt conversion. Scoring stays basically the same and it makes it a much harder decision as the extra point is no longer automatic.

Nintendo Wii U is dead.

Even with that huge open grill the LF-LC looks better than the FT-1.

They will change there name. It seems like the dealerships around here change there name every 2-3 years now.

I am pretty sure First State Chevy got a nice little phone call from the GM regional manager to handle their own shit next time.

He should kill himself if he worked on Ghost. :)

I don't know how old this guy is, but he better grow a thicker skin if he wants to survive. First off, when the distributor gouge its customer we demand a product that isn't broken. Also, if we as gamers can figure out how stuff should be done, why can't the game designers. Now they are trying this BS giving premium

The first gen was rather plain, but I like it better than the Audi/Maxima thing for a front end it has now. The interior is a big improvement though.

I love it. I need something to haul my fat American ass and bags of Big Macs. It just needs to come with a V-12 gasoline engine, so I can run over all those pansies driving hybrids.

Totally agree. I am a COD fan. I own them all and mostly just play the multiplayer, Ghost is the absolute worst. The menu system, most of the guns in the same class all seem to do about the same amount of damage, the slow way you get credits to unlock, the lack of lag compensation, the maps are mostly blah. Just

I don't play these types of games, but it seems to me all they need to do is make everyone's chance of dying during a conflict fairly even from the beginning. Sure a guy that has been playing longer would have a better chance of surviving because of all the supplies they have picked up, but everyone should start with

I don't play these types of games, but it seems to me all they need to do is make everyone's chance of dying during a conflict fairly even from the beginning. Sure a guy that has been playing longer would have a better chance of surviving because of all the supplies they have picked up, but everyone should start with

This game looks awesome, said gamers from 2006.

I think there was a show call Seaquest DSV that had an episode of Virtual gamers that never leave the home that is going to wind up coming true in the next 10 years, so sometimes they get it right.

You fucking disgust me.

Because her period, right?

Sorry, her crazy/hot ratio is not high enough to make that acceptable.

I've never played it, but they should kick you from restarting for something like 6 hours if you die. That would make life and death much more meaningful.

That was one of the most obvious dives I have every seen in sports. MaCarron wasn't even trying to hid it. Overthrown balls, interceptions, fumbling on purpose. The sad part he was so greedy, he didn't even take the points, but instead needed the straight up loss. I wonder how much the "friend" of the their family