
But you’re imposing that motive on them - insisting that their actions are motivated by pro-segregationist sentiment when there’s no evidence that that’s the case. That NYC’s school system is effectually segregated because of zoning and neighborhood demographics is one thing - a problematic thing, for sure - and that

The Slate piece is a total hatchet job and the quotes in the WYNC piece make Jones look pretty reasonable.

That’s misstating it a bit - they aren’t fighting to keep it segregated, they’re fighting to keep the school that their kids currently attend in the place that it is. They don’t want the school to move, and there are lots of very non-controversial reasons to take that position. Moving the school will likely make the

I love Sam Bee. I was trying to remember what state Ted Cruz was from and couldn't, because I now think of him exclusively as "self-described human Ted Cruz," "the Junior Senator from the Uncanny Valley" thanks to Bee.

He also bashed Bernie supporters. Dude was a terrible pick. Hell, he bashed BEYONCE. The man cannot be popular.

I hate how liberals just have to be nice no matter what. Trump is saying racist, sexist, homobic, bigoty things and most of his supporters like him because he is finally saying what they think, but we can’t say that those supporters are “deserving strong condemnation”? The anti-PC people get to throw a fit when

And have you heard the stuff her running mate has been saying? He called President Obama an Uncle Tom, repeatedly, and he thinks that Assad has been wrongly vilified. I had a bunch of pro-Stein friends on FB after the DNC - following the announcement of Baraka and a couple of interviews with him, it’s gone very quiet.

Bernie voters whose main issue, it turns out, is legal weed.

No, Obama said the same thing and 2008 was just as Wakefield’s bullshit hit the US, thanks to Jenny McCarthy going on Oprah and running her big mouth. Since then many, many more studies have come in AND we’ve learned Wakefield cooked his books.

When you vote for someone who is racist you are complicity supporting him. If someone drives a car, while doing nothing else, but his passengers go in and rob a bank, killing everyone in the process, they will be charged with murder. No different. You choose who you associate with. By choosing Trump she has aligned

Me too. I’ve lost more than a few friends, but there is a reason I moved and left Missouri behind. I’m just being reminded of that.

Joan Stern got exactly the treatment her thirsty ass deserved.

And Bee? Smash.

Yes! Both those gangrenous assholes can go jump in a lake of fucking fire. People should start to question why these absolute self-serving and self-aggrandizing dumpster-fires seem so drawn to Trump. But then again, that would invite uncomfortable questions about the flock of fucking racists who are so drawn to him as

Ask her if she’s proud to be in the company of the KKK and Neo-Nazis. Also ask her if she’s proud to support a candidate that Holocaust survivors (who would know a thing or two about fascist / racist / xenophobic leaders) are recoiling at.

I happened to be on Youtube on my iPad last night and the clips popped up. I WATCHED THE SHIT OUT OF THEM! SHE WAS ON FUCKING FIRE last night AND IT WAS BRILLIANT!!!

I fell asleep early last night so I just caught up about an hour ago. My god, how I missed her. She’s back and she’s angry and I’m loving every single minute of it!!!!

And the anti-wifi vote.

Normally I’m at least morally okay with voting Green, but Jill Stein has been courting the anti-vax vote. She can go fuck herself next to all the climate-change deniers.

This terrifying election has been hard to endure without Jon Stewart, but Sam Bee is coming to the rescue!