Was that actually her, or a wax figure come to life? Because the one on the other side of the galaxy is the real deal.
Was that actually her, or a wax figure come to life? Because the one on the other side of the galaxy is the real deal.
This is what happens when unethical people run a business. See also GM. TFTFY.
“Why doesn’t Volkswagen just keep ‘testing mode’ on all the time?” Apparently doing so would cause the cars to fall apart.
This is the first time in this entire experience that I’ve found myself actually pissed off. What a bunch of fuckers.
You know, all these VW cheating stories remind me of a few (2,3?) years ago reading that VW wanted to be the biggest auto maker on the planet and had ambitious plans to sell X number of cars by the year 20xx.
This is what happens whe MBAs run a business see also GM.
They ran Howard Dean out of the race for yelling. They mocked Ross Perot for having visual aids. Dukakis took a goofy photo. But this baboon’s ass makes stupid statement after stupid statement after stupid statement - not to mention the actual scandals (Florida DA/Trump U) - and they say he’s getting more…
The media has GOT to quit giving him a pass and start treating him like he could actually be the president of this country. If our president was doing stuff this stupid, would they tip-toe around it? Are they so afraid of being called “liberal media” that they can’t call out his complete and utter bullshit? It’s…
I don’t believe the story about Christie, but that’s mostly just based on the fact that I have a hard time imagining Chris Christie as the coolest head in the room. And if he is actually the calmest, most rational person in the room...Lord help us all.
Oomph-Loompa Hitler is a late but feisty entry for Best Trump nickname!
Yeah, while I totally agree he’d wish he could sell them, I think the very reason why he’s had so many failed ventures is that he has poor impulse control and zero foresight.
Yeah, that sounds about right. I thought about selling due to the fact that he may be hurting for $$$. I’d forgotten the fact that he’s already telling stuff he shouldn’t for goddamn free.
I support this platform and will vote for your kid.
I am equally confident that no such body language ever existed. It’s simply not what we do.
Hey now - my ADHD afflicted 9-year-old has a better attention span than Trump! He’d probably do a better job as POTUS right now than Trump would. Waffles for everyone! International Lego day! Minecraft on the White House lawn! Mandatory puppies!
Selling? It’s generous of you to think he could hold on to a secret long enough to negotiate a price. If this guy became president there would be a steady stream of despots and their arm candy descending on the White House for visits and games of golf where this guy told them everything they want to know and more. He…
Donald Trump, a rooster who wandered into the house and has to be restrained beneath a metal wastebasket