
Jake, Jake from Statefarm told me

The cover on the front is to prevent it from seeing pedestrians and attacking them, right?

They should put one of those Lamborghini exhausts from Mopar on it. Maybe a supercharger in the intake manifold as well.

My source told me it would have 12,345 horsepower and 63,789 ft lbs or torque

That’s what the siren and lights are for, brah

Seriously, I was fully expecting this dude to end the story getting arrested for interfering with police work or some charge like that.

I am honestly shocked that the trooper responded with humility. I would have expected an excoriating reply and possible a new speeding ticket for Turner based on the trooper knowing how fast he had to go to catch up to him.

Don’t ever go on the NJ turnpike. I think the troopers think the signs that say 95 are the speed limit, not the road number.

The thing is, the cops should never speed. They are supposed to be set the example we all emulate, and they should never exceed the speed limits unless those warning lights are going.

Wow, really? That is fucked up.

Unfortunately, China’s court system is not much better at logic. There was a case where a good samaritan was sued successfully by elderly scam artists for rendering aid. The logic that the court gave was why help someone you don’t know unless you caused the accident. Luckily, the rational Chinese people raised enough

I dated a chinese mainland girl for a year and a half.

I see no mention of 100% accident avoidance, I do see where the autopilot *requires* drivers attention. The autopilot is simply a very advanced cruise control system, nothing more. Sounds like this rich dude crashed into a disabled car and is throwing a tantrum.

You’re right, but correct me if I’m wrong, but autopilot on a plane doesn’t do much other than correct course right?

They’re implying it’s akin to autopilot on an aircraft, which it is. They forgot how ignorant the average person like yourself is.

It is pretty sad that his needs to be brought up each time but Autopilot on a plane will still put you right into the side of a mountain. There is still an expectation that the pilot is paying attention.

It’s cruise control with basic lane keeping. It is not autonomous. Stop driving like it is.

“while the other half should be paid by the Santana’s driver for illegal parking.”

For those unaware, SawStop is a table saw (one of the simultaneously more dangerous and more commonly used power tools) that uses electrons, pyrotechnics, and magic to stop the saw blade near-instantaneously if you touch it with your fleshy bits. I’ve seen a live demo - it gave the “sacrificial” hot dog (used as a

Isn’t Tesla suffering from a similar reason SawStop had such a hard time coming out? That people would end up losing fingers still because they relied too heavily on the system, and would blame the manufacturer instead of being responsible and safe like they should be?