
I haven’t even seen the whole thing and I want a sequel, now that Haas is involved with F1, with Ricky going to Europe and Jean as his teammate or crew chief riding herd on the campaign.

I’ll come at you like a spider monkey, Chip. I’m all hopped up on Mt Dew!

“Now, I know Toyota is fully capable of fucking this up by calling it the Toyota FRX-3400 or something dumb, but it really should be called the Supra. In America and Europe, at least.

Im not even sure the R35 has supplanted the R34 in some people’s minds. Not mine at least.

That chart also represents my Pokemon Go usage before and after the removal of every kind of tracking available on the game and on outside sources.

Good: Communication, justification, and assurance that the community’s problems are working to be addressed.

Bad: A failure to indicate any sort of time expectation, a focus on bringing a non-functional product to more people rather than fixing the product before rolling it out further, and a failure to address many of

Dear Toyota,

I know it’s most definitely going to fall into unobtainable GT-R slaying territory but as long as it does it properly wearing that name and rocking 6 cylinders, I’ll be happy.

I’m pretty sure that it’ll be called the Toyopet and it’ll be so fucking kawaii that Senpai will finally notice it.

I’ve never cared much for Toyotas, but the Supras always had a cool look.

Just watched the video. It makes sense. I, too, am judging him.

Hello, Dad?

I think you nailed it. My first thought was that it's the fault of internal combustion engines. Whrn was the last time you saw a steam train crash into pedestrians or trees leaving a train show?

Well this was obviously caused by the leaf spring suspension. How can you expect to build a car that handles properly with 18th century technology?

So first the Internet attributes these sorts of accidents to Mustangs and the sort of person who would drive a Mustang, then it’s solid axles that are to blame (because you somehow lose control easier on flat, smooth asphalt with a log axle than you would with IRS) but at what point do we accept that the real problem

This guy. I’m judging him.

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the douche!

People who street race and post it on youtube claim they raced in “mexico” so law enforcement won’t bust them for street racing and being stupid enough to post it online. Doesn’t always work.