Captain Lurk

Yeah, Rome was very egalitarian.

"Look, he's not a king."
"How can you tell?"
"He's covered in shit."

As long as you keep the villian's name Casanova Frankenstein.

The Earth was gone…the WHOLE TIME.

Jack Handy and Lorne Michael's lawyers would like to have a word with you regarding copyright infringement. will have nothing to do with Cloverfield, then? Right-o.

Dormmamu is not mocked, Cy.

Counterpoint: (As I recollect from my experiences in the 90's) watching TV or movies while tripping is not at all fun. The walls and the screen are breathing, which makes it really hard to watch. My pupils were so dilated that watching a bright screen wasn't much fun. Also, the real world is much more interesting

"Hippies. I hate hippies."

Boy, you give the writers of this sophomoric drama a lot of credit.

Well, it was a device, we can agree on that.

It's a boomeraxe.

Yeah, why would Rick be having flashbacks about every single person in the group? Obviously he wouldn't, that wasn't a narrative device at all because that wasn't actually happening in his head, it was just another fuck you to the audience. "You think you're finally gonna find out who got killed….not yet, not yet,

No, nobody else read the comic. Or read about the comic. Or read speculation about who might die. Genius.

Well, Corey Feldman never beat the crap out of Horshack.

Shit sandwich.

Not like money. It's soft and scrumpdiddlyicious.

One does not simply walk into the Death Star…(wait, am I doing this right?)

You opinion is technically incorrect…which is the worst type of incorrect.

Han Solo is basically The Stainless Steel Rat.