
anybody else actually know it is fucking STUPID in YES fucker ALL CAPITALS to "flee to Canada" if your ass hopes to avoid Unistat prosecution for damn near ANYTHING - like fyi outstanding parking tickets if you get enough of them - lol - but for real - take a look at their rules about "Extradition"

just picture my two meter tall almost four hundred pound Black Ass in this lil'Baby - yup on the bucket list - and especially since I'm a Jew. . . a Big Black Jew -



Looks to me more like something one might be finding while practicing Animal Husbandry on some Kobe Beef out there in Japan after the whole nuclear catastrophe thing. . .

OMG this is too funny - this shit is one of the secret new functionalities the Tesla Model X is going to come standard with !

*Yea brah I get it - state rules about having a license constitute the bending over for any and all field sobriety test elswise the penalty shall be SHAMING YOU by taking away that card and disallowing you to drive - amiright?

*the weirdest thing launched into space far as I can tell (and no offense MyDude if you happen to see this - I Promise - we still cool - lmbao !)

from another commenter - check facts before saying some stupid shit like that please. .

*it was like 8000 employees who were hacked - not just a handful of the top tier. . .

- is the periodic discharge of bile and vitriol from the inner workings of a malformed brain through the foul stench of a gaping maw. This cyclic discharge is seen in male humans who are called out on their own bullshit, think other people sharing their perspective is a direct attack on their self, or otherwise have

* of course now I will use it as much as possible !!!!!!!

мыть что? Outta ГДЕ

мыть что? Outta ГДЕ