
I mean the “eccentricities” part sure as hell makes me think they know she’s guilty of something— it really, really reads like someone trying to rationalize behavior they know she’s guilty of in a way that both exonerates her and let’s them off the hook for giving a free pass too: “oh I always knew Kevin Spacey was

Thanks for sharing an inside perspective. Doesn’t really change anything. You can be an utter asshole and still have a valid sexual harassment claim, which he did. The emails alone should get her fired. You can’t  keep your fucking advisees as “pets”, regardless of whether they embrace that role for career advancement

That is what local cops -used- to do. They had areas they patrolled and they got to know the people in those areas, via idle chatter, or spending money in the local shops. That way they could better assist the locals and also be seen as someone who the locals could trust when bad stuff happened or was going to happen.

Exactly. Trump and his demonic minions have told his satanic base that these people are scum, an infestation of rapist n murderers. Even the evangelicals go on TV saying that these people, who are Christian by the way, are sexed crazed and disgusting degenerates who have sex when they are children and with children...

Jesus fucking Christ.

I pray to God she’s not undocumented. 

There’s nothing maternal about what she was saying. And, just to be clear, he says:

I’m no PhD, but I think I'd hold off on writing a letter until I was privy to the evidence.

I have no idea what earning prestigious awards has to do with whether or not you are a sexual abuser. If fact, it seems like there is no correlation at all.

Doubt it was a caftan, pretty sure it was a robe.

Am I the only one disturbed that nearly the entire first half of this article is made up of supportive quotes by friends and colleagues of the alleged abuser, including claims the alleged victim is lying, and his testimony is buried near the bottom? Why isn’t his story centered in this article? There is NOTHING about

I have read some truly vile stuff from purportedly progressive academics about the “vital role of eros in the learning experience” and things along those lines. Folks are seriously out here citing Socrates rubbing dicks with his disciples as a justification for modern professors getting horny with grad students.

Speaking as someone inside academia (who is a lowly nothing now, but who went to a fancy-schmancy elite uni for grad school), this is exactly the kind of tone-deafness I’ve come to expect from academics. There is an utter refusal of many to accept the fact that professors and grad students have different levels of

“Everything I say is queer hyperbole”.... FU lady. Your student felt pressured to engage with you and get sexually harasssed bc you held their future in your hands and then you say he resents you bc he didn’t get a job or any gains from being harassed by you for years.... yeah no shit he’s angry and feels violated, no

How is that different than any other shitty defense-of-abuser letter?

I will be honest, when I read that the letter admitted that they hadn’t seen the evidence, but were convinced it wasn’t sufficient, I just burst out laughing. That is just some next level stuff there.

Sometimes those who are abused then turn that abuse on others as a coping mechanism. It doesn't excuse anything he did but might make it more understandable.

Yuuuuup. Students should never know if I like them as a person or not, because our relationship is professional. I am constantly astonished by professors who become close personal friends with students WHILE grading them. It is super, super inappropriate. Similar to work situations where you might have to lay off or

Right? I mean, when I see any of my students heading toward my office, I’m thinking, “crap, this person’s bring me more work to do.” And that is not sexy. So, maybe it’s my sheer laziness that has kept me from perving on my students. Or maybe it’s the fact that I’m an adult and I’m capable of not engaging in sleazy

I thought for sure that it would come down to the Republican Party vs. Police. I check the root almost every day but I missed several installments of the series. Was the fix in? Is the deep state conspiring with Michael Harriot to protect the police and the Republican party? No. I’ll move on then.