
But Vows! And the Real Estate section. And the travel section. How else will you learn about what marginally employed part-time crafters and “artisans” do on their (presumably copious) time off. “Emma, a 23-year-old part-time employee at an artisanal cheese shop in Red Hook, recently returned from a seven-week hiking

In the interview on Thursday, Mr. Musk alternated between laughter and tears.

“Some black singer lady died. Seems to be a big deal. Find me a picture.” <— Fox news director, probably.


Oh my fucking God. Dude, ask your wife what she’s comfortable with. If she says it’s fine and everything can be handled, then go and have a nice weekend relaxing before an incredibly busy (but rewarding) period of your life. If she says she’s uncomfortable with you going, then stay the fuck home. This shit isn’t hard.

This confirms my suspicion that white parents who live in Park Slope are the fucking worst.

His dad should take away his internet privileges. 

We’ve been mistaken this whole time. It’s “Ma’s Terrace” not “Master Race”.

Exactly. There are lots of valid reasons to live with your parents as an adult, but “I can’t afford my own place because I’m getting my ass sued off for being a Nazi” is not one of them.

Whoooooo child. If I was his parent, I would say see ya! Get your ass out of my house. Why be reminded of your parenting failures everyday?

Aw man, I love when racist idiots whine about whites becoming a minority. Because the only reason someone would worry about that is if they know that minorities haven’t been afforded the same rights and opportunities as the majority group, or that minorities are disproportionately the targets of harassment,

Normally, it would be a dick move to laugh at someone for living at home in their thirties, or mock one’s financial pickle. But Kessler is a virulent racist behind the Charlottesville, Virginia Unite the Right where Heather Heyer was killed after a white supremacist drove his car into a crowd of counter-protesters. So

Nobody cared who he was until he put on the mask... except for his mother, apparently.

I want to be an ubermensch, but my parents won’t let me.”

Ancient Aliens is probably more factual than most of the things Alt-righters put out these days.

Or at least not give him the wifi password.

I love this. But also, if he was my kid I’d kick his ass out and let him couch hop with his Nazi friends. 

Kessler then goes on a rant about how his family has been brainwashed by the History Channel’s anti-German, pro-Jewish propaganda. He’s likely referring to the network’s old reputation of constantly airing World War II documentaries