
Just googled ELFA closet and OMGEEEEEEE I think that is an aspirational life goal

And when the person in question is a white woman, not being a mother is the ultimate failure. In my state (though not my district), a progressive candidate for congress has been repeatedly asking the GOP incumbent to debate. His campaign has finally responded last week with this irrelevant and low blow: “Unlike Ms.

This reads like a line out of the South Park episode about this. Unbelievable. 

As a parent of a child who is transgender this is heartbreaking. We have been so fortunate as everyone who has found out has been super supportive. Schools have gone above and beyond to do everything they can to assist and provide a safe environment. Our current school, which we only came to because of a change in

I’m so glad they didn’t redact the posters’ names or anything. People like this need to be shamed, and criminally charged.

No matter how reliable you think your moral compass is, every once in a while you should take a look at where it has led you. Are you threatening a child with violence or inciting violence against a child?

$5 says that at least one of their macho football-playing sons is gay and terrified...

Every last one of these horrid parents should be doxxed and suffer the consequences.  Read this yesterday on Reddit, and looked at all the screenshots of the comments.  Downright disgusting.  

I truly don’t think her Aunt Lydia joke was in reference to her looks though, SHS is truly the Aunt Lydia of the administration. I don’t even see the resemblance, Lydia’s hair is always back and their style is completely different.... I guess they’re both horrible and always look miserable and they’re both brunettes?..

Do these people realize they’re talking about a 12 year old? Regardless of gender, a child is a child and doesn’t deserve this bullshit from adults. 

Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ. This is heartbreaking. I don’t know if I’d be able to send my kid back to that school knowing this.

The people most offended consider the Aunt Lydia joke to be the one about her looks, not the smoky eye joke. And no, they don’t accept the explanation that the Aunt Lydia joke was about Aunt Lydia’s position in society rather than any similarity in appearance. They firmly argue that it’s both, and I doubt they’re

You’re up 24/7, a day...

Because the bar for acceptable behavior, like everywhere, is lower for men. Cf male privilege.

The misogyny of many developing countries has definitely provided a ready supply of younger women who are willing to make major compromises to get that green card. I cannot blame any of these women, though I think it often turns out tougher for them than they anticipated. I personally know three older white men (one

There are also an astonishing number of dudes in their 20's who think every woman over 40 is a cougar. I know this, because they tell me about it everywhere I go online.

Ah, but it is more acceptable if you’re straight man.

Eh, I want to see the methodology. I’m a Black woman who dated men online after 30. Statistically, I should be buying another cat and knitting them another sweater - but I found my dude within the first week of posting. I’m not thin, I have never been conventionally attractive- not that it matters, my post didn’t have

And please stop making those stupid stone piles!

I’m not on social media except for here, and I went to the Grand Canyon a few weeks ago. Because I am snooty and feel superior about not being on social media, you bet your ass I was mildly disgusted by how many people were walking around the rim looking at their screens. All nationalities were doing it, which means