
Sure! I’m 100% with you that most babies and children don’t belong at weddings or funerals, and I’d much rather leave mine home. And I absolutely don’t think you should ever bring children to a wedding where they aren’t explicitly welcome. And I can’t stand when people let their kids run wild or talk through times

I actually personally consider condoms way more effective than the pill. I think condoms get a worse rap than they deserve because everyone knows about the high typical use failure rates, but I looked it up once and “typical use” conditions for condoms includes things like “not using a condom every time you have sex”.

The fact that the President of the United States is on Twitter calling a woman of color a “dog” is one of those moments where you have to step back and realize that this is actually happening, and that this is real, and that it cannot be allowed to be “normal.”

Yes thank you - so my question was an actual question (I just didn’t know how to feel about it) so this is what I’ve come down to:

My email:

I’m confused? How can lactivists make sure you see them if, as you admitted, there is an easy solution of looking away? Are they demanding that they be broadcast on every adjacent phone screen? Are they tying people down and forcing their eyes open, a la Clockwork Orange?

That definitely is a “you problem” and not a “breastfeeding moms” problem. I hope you’re taking steps to deal with it. 

I have a peanut allergy but have never once been annoyed with someone for eating a PBJ AT me, because that’s not what they’re doing. They’re having a meal,just like those babies are. Cognitive Behavioral therapy does wonders helping me live in a world that isn’t designed around my personal issues.

This asshole needs to retire and go back to yelling at kids to get off his lawn.  The rest of us don’t need him.

Wtf -- Actual MEN tried to correct your fucking breastfeeding technique??? I’m instantly angry. I am so fucking through with mansplaining.

The op-ed is about as gross as you’d imagine. I’m not sure how many lactating ladies he plans on persuading to the dark (covered) side with snarks like these:

If you want some further hate-reading material from this guy, check out:

You really do not get it. It is not hate of “white women”. It is an annoyance when white females do not use their power or privilege to assist woman of color. Look at Anne Hathaway. The root literally praised her for helping a woman of color. Your comment is the purist example of how white women do not understand.

I blame myself. For my entire childhood I dreamed of building a time machine. People always told me, “You can accomplish anything you put your mind to,” and I didn’t listen to them. I decided that time travel probably wasn’t a practical goal, and abandoned my research before I’d even really began.

If I’d built that

Also, no one in this thread seems to remember this is the first Presidential election since the gutting of the Voting Rights Act. A lot of African-Americans in GOP-run states were knocked off the voting roles.

I blame everyone that didn’t vote at all and those who voted for Trump.

Thanos would not have been an issue if he had married Kim K. She would have immediately put him into the sunken place and ruined his career - all done on reality television. T’Challa should have sent her through the force field to meet him. Her super power is having no definable talent expressed through extreme

They bring guns even when you don’t punch them.

The following is easy for me to say, since I’m not on the ground challenging these protesters in person. But I’ll say it anyway.

This. I’m so tired of White people, especially White men, thinking that: