I love how Vogel is basing her views of current Dexter on Harry's
descriptions of Child Dexter, who she never actually met, and it doesn't
occur to her that maybe, just maybe, her diagnosis by proxy was wrong.
I love how Vogel is basing her views of current Dexter on Harry's
descriptions of Child Dexter, who she never actually met, and it doesn't
occur to her that maybe, just maybe, her diagnosis by proxy was wrong.
For whatever is worth, the following books pretend that book 3 didn't happen.
Oh, it seems like I'm the only one who loves the books. Yes, there are things in which the show is better, but there are also other things in which the books are superior. For example, they have presented the human/monster duality better, and the dry wit is cool.
The saddest thing about the whole "Dexter outstayed his welcome" thing is that it's not that 8 seasons were too much for the show, but that they put an incompetent man in charge since season 5. A competent Big Boss could have made, for example:
The sad thing is that with good writing and some sense of direction, the show could've had a solid 8 seasons.
I know, right? Why couldn't they just have made the girl the result of some summer love?
That's not true. Dildos come in a variety of colors, functions and fun shapes.
Too soon.
And maybe she'll be as pervy as he is.
"This is where we were born in blood, now we'll be born in cum"
But with her on top she might break his hips.
Dexter's official song: http://www.youtube.com/watc…
I think the attempted murder/suicide was a spur of the moment, nothing planned.
You know who Dexter should've met? Sue Sylvester from Glee. Someone that when Dexter says "am I human or am I a monster? Could I ever be normal?" responds, "No you can't! Your heart is a black hole that turns everything it touches into death and desolation and anyone who claims to accept and understand you for who you…
YES. And they should fuck in that container as well.
"It's been almost a week!" Calm down Dexter, it's your sister, not a heroin shot.
No, you're not.
Did he sell Joe Driscoll's house?
It could have been a great 8-season show with more planning and some sort of direction.
Oh, so that's why Batista wants him as sergeant!