
In real life, people can have momentary epiphanies over and over, then go back to the same place they were before, etc., specially in codependent/unhealthy relationships. Do we know if they have fought and made up before?

Honestly, that sounded like classic pedophile speak. "You're so mature for your age!!!"

It's pedophile talk. Not that Dylan is a pedophile, but that's what it sounds like. "You're really mature for your age". It's practically cliché.

Completely agree. I love the series, but honestly it would've worked better as a Farmiga and Highmore focused miniseries.

I don't think it has even been a year since Norman and Norma moved to White Pine Bay.

I do understand Bradley's rage on a spiritual level, but she definitely should've been more pragmatic and just come back home to her good life. She didn't take a deep breath afterwards and consider that her mom had to move on or anything.

Emma's said worse things, but she never tried to run away with him.

Norman's also supposed to remain sympathetic afterwards (or at least that's how I felt about Norman in Psycho), because the point is that he's another victim of Norma.

I'm still waiting, and waiting, and waiting…

She's still in high school, just homeschooled.

They should put a trampoline there.

I've always wished that the man killed alongside Norma is Dylan. Not that he has to literally have a romantic relationship with her of course, but to me he's the one who should be sparking Norman's jealousy (or the other way around for an M.Knight Shamalamadingdong twist).

Do Vera's and Freddie's nominations for the critic's choice awards mean they probably won't be overlooked next awards season, or is there too much of a difference?

To be fair, he wouldn't be wrong. She's not a vixen, but she does use sex (and everything else) for utilitarian purposes.

Will Norma take him to a hospital though? I think she'll be like, "well it just made him mad" and, if she ever takes him to one, she's probably checking him out the next morning tops.

Finally! After life got in the way, I could finally see the episode. Here are my thoughts:

The scene at his house where he manhandled Norma and then tried to kiss him. He showed he's just a son of a bitch.

Yea but the scene in 3x09. I hated him for that scene on principle, but now i really hate him.

I know, I know. It's just that I'm still scared and I need to distract myself but also vent and it's a mess.

It is.