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    I wish they would sell it. But this seems to be just a hit job and they’ll keep rights to the name just out of spite.

    Do you really think Fox News will play any of it? I imagine they will try very hard to pretend it didn’t happen.

    Given McConnell’s wife, Elaine Chao, is part of Trump’s cabinet, how much extra dirt is necessary to keep ole’ Moscow Mitch in line?

    Beeblebrox 2020!

    Who took his strawberries?

    At that press thing the poor Finnish president had to sit through today, he seems to be getting closer to declaring marshal law and jailing congress people.

    Technically, isn’t that how we got Jesus?

    All you need is a second pair of those scissors plus a starter gun (I recommend the Beretta Nano for smaller hands) and you’ve got yourself a race!

    Taking money away from people, they themselves created, just for existing really bothers me. I would much rather accomplish the goal via increased estate taxes, gift, capitol gains and income taxes. Especially gifts and inheritances. And closing the loop-holes like trust funds. 

    I thought Bridgewater played well. Maybe a bit rusty but a lot better than the stats are going to show. There were too many penalties and dropped balls.

    Is it too soon to talk about relegation?

    I blame evolution for giving us Perkins and his ilk.

     Moscow Mitch pairs well with Putin’s Bitch.

    If Black is beautiful, then using black paint on his big beautiful wall must be proof Trump isn’t racist.

    On the other hand his column now only needs to be one line.

    Ouch. At what point in time does this take become irrelevant? It’s been 70+ years already since WWII. Plus we have a guy in the White House folding like cheap suit when in the same room as Putin or Xi.

    I can’t believe CBS went with this schlock while MILF Island is still waiting to be picked up.

    Someone in that organization is a marketing genius.

    I thought it was Jackie Chan.

    I’m not sure how impressed I should be with 20 wins.  It seems like there’s a Country Music awards show every two weeks.