Captain Genius

they weren't getting 'the bang for their buck' huh? considering they didn't pay shit for their animation that was probably the ending they deserved

then your cover should be interesting


ditto, so did nature trail to hell

'stop dragging my car around' might be his best song. period

when i was a little boy of maybe 5 when the original star wars action figures finally came out, i'd play with c3po and try do his voice but more often than not i wound up making him talk like paul lynde

Has Podmass covered Beyond Yacht Rock yet? That show is funny as hell on a regular basis.

the dragons dogma and saints row 3 episodes are hysterical.

What window do I have to climb thru to see this?


i'm still mad Stalker didn't become team leader when Hawk got replaced. Duke sucks.

Oh no! I hope he's wearing his fancy red outfit instead!

i do both. i drink it, and i spill it on all the white fabric items i own. i don't know why i keep buying white carpet and couches and then having big grape fruit juice and tomato sauce and pasta parties to celebrate my new white carpets and couches. It's just the way things have always been done.

you do not talk shit about grape juice.

Duel to the Death is so damn good. And so damn depressing.

Long time Mockingbird fan, this is the most boring ass comic I've ever read. Comic about a super spy badass where all she does is stand around and talk. And not about anything worth reading.

younger brother Tod was modeled after a teen aged Taylor Negron. no shit.

I've always seen Michael Nouri as the poor mans Frank Langella.

god bless you, i can't upvote this enough.

friends and i just celebrated Dancing on the Ceiling Day last week.